Just got banned cause of this post

0  2018-01-26 by NutmegJared


u/TheApiary seems like a goodfella

idk what this sub is but thanks?

(((They're))) on to you.

Well that's not fair.

It's an honest question. Jews are like 2% of the population, yet they control most of our media. Why Hoooow??

There was documentary on TCM channel history of film something like 14 part series.Reason why Walt Disney hated jews, he wanted to do live action movies but was kept out by all other studios because he wasn't a jew like them.

They control Hollywood. That's not even debatable. They control a disproportionate amount of the Newspapers. The President of CNN is a Jew. The CEO of CBS is a Jew. The CEO of Disney, which owns ABC is a Jew. And much much more. It's crazy how much wealth, power, and influence 2% of the population has. And nobody is allowed to question it.

My ban from mod /u/I_am_batgirl

So you're saying you honestly hold the belief that Jews control the media, eh? And, you hold this belief without seeing it as anti Semitic and therefore a totally legit question asked in good faith? Ok


It's hilarious that your type bitch about how many white people star in movies yet you cry racism when a simple observation is made. It is not a matter of belief, it is a matter of this: https://i.redd.it/qg3tk2eyuhqz.jpg

Now go fuck your mother, triggered cunt.

I hope she gets ovarian cancer.

If you're going to make idiotic statements like that, you're clearly you're not a person that's ever seen someone battle cancer (or worse, lose em).

Get fucked, you child.

Lol this guy has feelings ^

That shit made me wish I had cancer

Say you’re again.

yer... bitch

you went in too hard.have to play dumb/innocent start out asking what is a jewfish and how did it get its name,string them along until get bunch of replies then drop the media question on them and piss them off for wasting their precious time

My ex was jewish and her mom and dad are in show biz

She pretty mich explained she got all her connections from going to synagogue and networking

nepotism isn't a conspiracy, it seems obvious as fuck