Thanks guys

7  2018-01-26 by hunglikebartsimpson

For opening my eyes to how fucking awful Joe Rogan actually is.


and short.

And a faggot.

Also Joe Rogan swallows dip spit. All jokes aside chewing Tobacco spit is bad for you. I chew tobacco because i am in touch with my white trash, redneck roots. Like a man, i spit out the juice. Joe will have a dip in for his entire show and swallow. I know several people who have had stomach, kidney and liver problems from swallowing their dip spit. So aside from swallowing jizzum Joe also ingests cancerous dip spit.

Is swallowing child spit harmful? We should inform Joe Qumia even though he is NOT a pedophile

He only has to worry about germs.. At this point his body must have built up an amazing immune system with the array of coodies he has swallowed

Amen. I work with a couple of guys that swallow that shit. I can't figure out why.


Never liked him. Mediocre in EVERY fuckin' sense.

but dude, come on; I mean like, weed.

I fuckin' love weed. But he makes me ashamed to be a stoner.

You should be you devil smoker

Suuuuure, smoke those little devils

Not sure why you weren’t naturally turned off by his intellectualism for bros schtick but whatever we can do to help.

He was a lowlight in "Bright", and that movie sucked

I think his podcast is good if he has the right guest on. It does get tiring though if you listen to the ones with comedians. Talking like comedians are philosophers or something then capping on "hurr durr we tell dick jokes for a living" for some sense of humility. We get it.

But still, can be good sometimes. Who would've guessed James Hetfield is just an old man now?