Auschwitz Survivors Reunited

50  2018-01-26 by decmcg


Sam may be a weasely fuck, but there is no way he would be surviving more than a weekend in a concentration camp. Although, I guess they would be doing him a favor when they shaved his head.

He wouldn’t survive the train ride.

You don't think they served chicken tendies for lunch?

I do not

Sam :So your saying you're gonna gas us to death? Is that what you're saying Hans?

Kill this one first Herr Birger, Dr Güber couldn't racially profile him anyway calculates we're getting a minority jackpot

I beg to differ sir. He's exactly the kind of weasely fucker the SS would give a cudgel and tell him to keep the other prisoners in line. They were called kapos.

Yeah I was thinking the same. He'd be a conniving little bastard. Cackling as the guards beat the shit out kikes. Telling them which ones had the biggest savings.

Ari Jewish is a better person than Sam. He travels, he gets high, he fucks and he occasionally says funny shit.

What Ari did to Bobby Lee is unforgivable. He's a piece of shit and not in a good way, a coward too.

What did he do?

Ari got cucked and blamed Bobby for it

What does he expect? Pieces of shit attract pieces of shit.

ari is an unfunny faggot that hasnt even said something funny accidentally.

I heard he made a baby laugh once


joe rogan is the sized of a baby with fetal alcohol syndrome so technically you're right

That alien head nigga would be the Klingon Kike that instead of shoving a diamond ring up his asshole to hide it from Ze SS, he would instead shove chicken strips up his part aboriginal nigger anal.

that sounds like its written with true anger inside

Nigger lips, if you're not writing out of true anger than you got no business on this subreddit.

I enjoyed the show today Fuck Jim norton

I don't know man...that's a tough one...sniff.....

I love me some joe list and Ari farting I’m sorry

I’m gay

I’m a Tuesgay and Ari farting was funny I’m sorry

Nigger lips, if you're not writing out of true anger than you got no business on this subreddit.