I have a bad feeling about Artie.

5  2018-01-26 by FightTheFallen

I think Artie is going to die very soon. He is a train wreck that we all see coming from miles away and no-one is quite sure how to stop it. Is there a version of Artie that is sober and healthy and also successful and funny? Is he destined to die another a fat drug addicted comedian? I fear that is the case. I fear it will happen very soon. I hope that maybe there is a way out for him that doesn't involve his early demise but I think the odds of that are miniscule. I sometimes wonder if he would be healthier and happier had he never left the Stern show. I think he thought he needed to leave to get healthy. However, he is the type of guy that needs to work and needs to be funny. I think the Stern show was probably a more stable environment for him than anywhere else he has landed. Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe nothing would be different or perhaps he would already be dead. In any case I really hope I'm wrong, but I think we will be reading the dreaded R.I.P. headline for him very soon.


hot take how’d you come to these riveting conclusions?

I prayed to Tom Cruise and he blessed me with the gift of prophecy.

I sometimes wonder if he would be healthier and happier had he never left the Stern show.

we went through all of this drug behavior 10 years ago while he was on Stern. Artie left because of drugs - leaving Howard didn’t start the addictions. Artie’s behavior now is nothing new, and people have been predicting his death for years

The sugar will get him first

"The sugar" LOL

(I'm from the south)

Colored speak ;)

Now THIS is a hot take!!

I just wanted to be the guy who called it the day before.

It's becoming a "hot take!" to call things like this hot takes

Fuckin cool dude way to keep ahead of the curve!

Hot take

I just wanted to be the guy who called it the day before.

He simply DOES NOT WANT TO LIVE. This was a man that stabbed himself repeatedly in the stomach, trying to take that way out, but either fucked up in his attempt or pussied out halfway. The extreme recklessness is insane, and it only means that there's no regard for how he wants his life to go.

Watch the final minute of the Dave Landau guest host week. Anthony was pretty much insinuating Dave will be Artie's replacement once Artie expires.

this is the same exact kind of daily concernpost made 10 years ago on sternfannetwork.

He needs a woman that loves him and treats him like the little baby that he is. Men without wives to mother them turn into weirdos.

Exhibit A: James Norton, sexual deviant and worm

Exhibit B: Anthony Cumia, alcoholic, pill popping, abusive, kid fucking, karaoke singing, tranny loving, gun toting, racist, law breaking degenerate terrorist

Exhibit C: Louis C.K., compulsive masturbator, lonely deviant

then there’s men with wives like Opie and Sam Roberts, lame retards with mom’s to feed them chicken tenders and grapefruit beer but make sure they don’t get too rowdy or do anything too fun. They are rewarded with passionless sex every second Sunday. Bill Burr also falls into this category, he has normal hobbies and stays out of trouble, sassy mama ape keeps him in line.

This is the only way to save Arthur. But he’s too gross to get a proper woman now, It’s too late for him. We should stop caring like everyone else. Thoughts and prayers

He should IV a few times before he dies. If he thinks sniffing heroin is good, IV is 1000 times better. Same goes with coke.

He really does need to give the nose a rest. Straight into the blood will probably give him a new reason to live.