Do you think this annoys Opie?

23  2018-01-26 by Dennyislife


I get tired watching Roland breathe.

I think that problem's going to solve itself.


David Duchovny does a lot of shit apparently

watching him is hard, but it would bring me so much joy to see Roland become more famous than Opie. Maybe even get the "celebrity hangs" that Opie always dreamed of.

He’s already better liked by people.

Robert Ducunny

How old is Roland? He looks fucking horrible.

I think he's in his late 30s? He was a young guy when he was working for Carson Daly.

That blubbermouth has a talkshow? You can't even make out 30% of the words he uses.

Duchovny is disgusted by the creature he's talking to.

I think that problem's going to solve itself.