It seems the wrestling heavy Jimless show wasn't a success

19  2018-01-26 by Dennyislife


Worse than wrestler on the show is somebody fantasizes and surrounds his life around it talking about it

I can't get past Sam's appearance. He is truly hideous. There's no way Mrs. Roberts doesn't look at Sam and feel regret for pumping her little boy full of HGH.

She doesn't regret having her little Sammy pump her box full of his Neanderthal seed though.

Too bad she didn't feel the same regret Chris Benoit felt for pumping his kid with HGH.


He's probably going to talk about wrestling for an hour anyway due to the XFL.

I wonder if these comics are disappointed when they show up and find out only Sam is there

Opie Roberts would be wise to stop doing shows without Jimmy as they accentuate how enormously unfunny, unintelligent, uninteresting and uninformed Sam Roberts is.

Or he should have a regular crew of ‘his guys’ come in on Fridays. Sherrod is available.

You guys aren't so retarded that you don't understand there was a few wrestlers in he Sirius building doing press so he had them on?

If there were wrestlers in the building today he would have had them on.

I'm not gay enough to care but its a safe bet Sam talking to the miz is one of the most viewed videos Jim and Sam have put out.

When Big Jay was celebrating his birthday, Ari gave him a birthday present, wrapped up in a box.

It was a fresh turd.

So, y'know, he ain't all bad.

Sam thinks he's giving Jess good sex when he puts it in, but in reality she's shuttering in disgust.

tsss joe list why not uhh uhh uhh joe file

What in God's holy name are you blathering about?

no what r u blathuring about