Rise of the Neo-Pests

4  2018-01-26 by EdguhMellencamp



The term pest is so hacky but yes former O&A fans have become monsters because were doing what we've always done except now it's to his radio heroes.

What do you know about hacky, civilian? Are you at the Cellar table?

"Hacky" is such a hackneyed expression.

It's hilarious. "Pests" used to harass people for just being shitty at radio. Now they go after pedophiles and racists and have become monsters?

Anthony is the literal monster that hides under children's beds.

that point isn't brought up enough

He is a monster for sure, but certainly more likely to be found in the closet.

Literally? Did we?

Neopets is back?

Is it hard to believe that people that wish cancer on radio hacks etc might have been pieces of shit to begin with?

What abysmal behavior was John NoNameGibbon commenting on?

The fans who left condolences for Roseph Cumia.

Blow me Rosie.