He really has become an out of touch bore.

30  2018-01-26 by RBuddCumia


It's not even funny anymore; it's just depressing. We're really hitting Lady Di territory.

You think Skipper Antwan might set sails under the command Admiral Orbani?

your phone is low

Can you really get wet brain from drinking bud light?


I hope he's deep into it

Deep cuts, bruthaman

Can't wait til Anth runs afoul of someone with "dray locks" at Crown Fried Chicken.


if someone calls him out on this cringe shit he just says he was joking and you're an idiot for thinking he was being serious. Nothing is ever his fault, including people not understanding when he is telling a joke.

This reference has to be half a century old

That episode aired in 1963, so yes.

If you have ever referred to any President as heroic, kill yourself.

But what of Ulysses S Grant?

Him and Polk were okay.

If the WW2 stories about Kennedy are true he's an actual hero as well.

I find Richard Nixon to be heroic for his realistic views on hippies and niggers.

Let's not forget his (((other))) opinions

Teddy Roosevelt, you fucking pussy.

Andrew Jackson cleared out many a' savage redman.


We're hitting Opie levels.

He really needs someone to steer the ship