What up reddit fags? It’s your boy Pete Davidson! Do your worst.

7  2018-01-26 by Suibu




Hey, it's Jimmie's new boyfriend.


Just a faggot whose father got killed by some airplanes, or a burning/collapsing building on 9/11.

The guy this sub used to love because he made fun of the fat Stengel.

I think poor Pete forgot how to act, He used to be the funniest part of SNL now he always looks at the camera like a deer in the headlights, he's been bombing pretty hard lately....

the bigger question is why the fuck are you still watching SNL?

For the same reason i listen to Jim & Sam, because I like to have mediocre shit playing in the background thats easy to tune out of. SNL is 80% steaming shit, and they cant get out of their own way, they dont know whether to go for the laugh or a serious point(which is never a fresh or unique take), every now and then they get a few good ones in though. Sam Rockwell's episode was pretty watchable (minus Pete's sketchy which got a zero from the audience), and Weekend Update is usually pretty good until they bring some shit character up. Michael Che might be the only funny person left on that show...

I swear that Rockwell episode had magic.


Don't lie, you like it. You made a very specific critique about SNL. You can't play it off as "oh sometimes I just have it running in the background and that's how I noticed Pete Davidson forgot to act and he looks like a deer in the headlights. And also the Sam Rockwell episode was good".

Yer explain yourself Mr.butthole.

So sweet, he has his weight tattooed on his arm

tssssss yeah 911 that muuugggggsss heavy


Look how out of control zooted on marijuana pot .... glad he got clean!

Jimmy 10 years ago: Get this man a robe and some broth

Looks schmarmy

I was in 9/11 but I got away

Not sure why everyone gets mad when i say inside job. I'm out here at the job site with my container of coffee and lunch pail 6 days a week in the cold and the heat. Sometimes an inside job sounds like a better deal. You know with a centralized heating/cooling system... Also working around all those jews I'm sure to learn some tips in making more money...... Booooooooooooo!

You should talk to Joe Matarese about an adderal prescription

Can i buy some meth from you?

Hillary Clinton tattoo