The best thing about Jim and Sam is that they will eventually turn on each other.

45  2018-01-25 by TinKnockinMoroccan

Jim has attacked every fellow comic who has ever "slighted" him. He let down long term friends like Louis who helped him out multiple times over the years. He barely even has Colin on anymore. Much less the other lesser comics who helped build his career.

Sam has zero loyalty. He betrayed his original radio mentor and turned him into a laughing stock at every opportunity. His entire shtick is throwing everybody under the bus to make himself look better.

Honestly it's only a matter of time before they have a serious fight.


Colin will be on when he has his show ready to promote, but I still look forward to this confrontation.

Sam and Jim don't throw Opie under the bus directly because they can pretend to be the "bigger man". They say they respect him out of one side of their mouth and regularly throw jabs at him out of the other.

Actually, I’ll give them credit and say it’s the last bit of remaining loyalty. He did literally get them gigs on the air. They know they could kill him on air if They wanted to, and he can’t even respond because nobody pays attention to him. I get it. I just wish they would make up their minds and either attack him once and for all, or drop the passive aggressive bullshit.

Jim doesn't need to anyway...he has an entire podcast that is pretty popular where he takes digs at him. Its a much smarter way to do it.

Sam cackles like a little bitch every time Jim makes a joke about Opie then repeats the bash back as a question. He doesn't take a stance just piggy backs on Jim's point and laughs too hard.

I think you mean "turn each other on". But then again, that's a given.

Wait until the first WWE/UFC guest scheduling conflict.

Jim only knows 5 UFC fighters, so that won't be a problem.

Jim isn’t a “sport” fan. It’s a beard to cover up how much of an unfunny faggot he is. His comedy is horrible.

Mike David isn't a sport fan. It's a beard to cover up how much of an unfunny faggot he is. His comedy is so horrible that he actually failed and gave up doing stand-up. Also his 'radio' show is worse than Scott and Todd or scorch

WWE/Porn Star scheduling conflict

Nah, I think they are both self-aware that they weren't exactly gifted this current show because they both showed up every day for years, and put up with "the toxic environment," but they were still kinda gifted this show and are overpaid and need each other. Each of them think that the other is a delightful twink that they are slightly above in life rank, and have found a comfortable symbiosis.

Tl;dr: They're both massive faggots who lack initiative or testosterone.

Jim used to be my favorite comic. I would see him a couple of times a year. He has changed so much I don't even see any of the things I used to laugh at. Fuck him. Sam will hopefully fade away. He can support his family on WWE shit, but no more "comedy" or "radio" shows.

I just liked him from the radio, never enjoyed his stand up. He thinks edgy is funny, just by being edgy. It’s not. He thinks he can throw the words “cunt” and “AIDS” into a boring story and make it funny. He takes an ordinary, bland observation, adds in a line about something going in someone’s cunt and expects it to be funny. He does it on the radio too, but that’s the entirety of his punch in comedy. He does other things on stage, but they are all shortsighted, overly topical and just not funny. I will chuckle of couple of times at one of his sets and that’s it. He takes no chances, yet thinks he does. On the radio, he was quicker, meaner and more original.

he had easy targets around him and a racism card because he was patrices bestie which helped him a lot on the radio.

You don't think it's funny when he talks about knocking Elizabeth Taylor's cancer wig off? I bet that draws a young, hip audience.

Yeah keep hoping that those two pristine examples of beta male step up and do something. At the most it will be like a Scott and Todd thing where they break up without really saying anything. Get real.

Tss more like a Sirius fight or sumpthin' tss

Neither one cares enough to throw each other under the bus.. Each one is happy to just sit there and do what they are doing until the other one just gives up..

I think you're grossly overestimating their balls. Why would either of them give up their cushy radio job?

I don't know how much money Sam is making, but I know its in the six figures. Several years ago when they were busting Sam's balls about how much work he did and how much he made, I crunched the numbers and it came out to be like NYC. He'll suck as many dicks as it takes to not go back to that. Jim is probably around the 500k mark.

They would be stupid to give any of that up.

Primate Sam Really is a snake isn't he

Honestly it's only a matter of time before they have a serious fight.

The pressure in the room is palpable sometimes. When Denny did that joke about WWE podcasts being a job for a slightly retarded person everyone in the room blew up. Jim let out this instinctive burst of laughter in the same way he did when Bobo mentioned doing pop-up shows. But it was Jim who IMMEDIATELY backtracked and said "ahh and he's not even here to defend himself." and then awkwardly tried to steer the conversation back to Opie bashing. Jim knows this is a nasty can of worms, years worth of pent up passive aggression, and his swift recovery reaction shows how desperately he does not want this can to get open.

It's going to be so fucking ugly and I cannot wait for it to happen

And when that happens in 2040 it will be magnificent!

Jim only knows 5 UFC fighters, so that won't be a problem.

Jim isn’t a “sport” fan. It’s a beard to cover up how much of an unfunny faggot he is. His comedy is horrible.

WWE/Porn Star scheduling conflict