Mark Norman is hilarious on J&S

14  2018-01-25 by RockPile

Mark Normand is hilarious on J&S. His 1 liners were perfect with Sandy Kane.. skin flute, catching diabetes from kissing a black person.. fuck, so funny


Amy schemer presents: mark normanD is hilarious on J&S

tss yeah money is gay

what a story mark

You seem like the expert Mark.

fuck off with your sam humour

Fuck that shit I’ve been quoting The Room for years

something to be proud of?

There’s probably zero difference in quoting a legendarily shit film and quoting O&A. So what are we talking about here

Hehehehehehe hehehe. You don't think that was funny?

Mark is the funniest comic under 40 right now in my gay opinion

He was on Burning Bridges not too long ago and he kills. He's a funny fucker

Mark is great live too even if he never stops staring at the ceiling.

He's always the best. In 10 years him and Soder will be revered like attell and burr are today

I think you are probably right about this.

He's awesome, even if some of his stories are embellished. It's too bad the Schumer association besmirched his good name. Although he can hardly be faulted for grabbing that life raft when he was a struggling nobody. He should've drawn the line at putting her name in the special title, though.

Tuesdays With Stories with Mark and Joe List has become my favorite podcast. If you want more Mark, go listen to that shite.

Mark is great on every show he does. He really fits in with the room and can adapt to odd guests like Sandy Kane really well. His one liners are good too. Never heard his stand up though... can anyone comment on it?
