Quick Poll- Am I the only one here who likes chubby girls?

2  2018-01-25 by WhippingHuskies

I mean actually prefers his woman with a nice healthy roll of chub? I'm not talking obese fat, but definitely 20-30 lbs over? I don't understand liking thin girls. I could see boning a chick like Sensi Pearl for the novelty of it, but to sexually prefer skinny girls puzzles me. WHY???!!!


Isn't 30lbs obese?

technically, yes. But you know what I mean.

But then again, she's got the trifecta of sexy, redhead, alabaster smooth skin, and chubby. Goddamn, son.

There are a few girls on there I wouldn’t consider fat, I’d consider them thick & I like thick if it’s in the right places, preferably not in the gut.

Look I can see how the are good looking women but attractive sexually?

Absolutely not.

Aren't you supposed to be gay for awhile? Did you already break character?

Read me comment again u sweet stupid boy.

Tee Hee. Sorry cutie pie.

I am definitely down with that. Goddamn.

all your opinions on women are officially rendered invalid. you like fat girls.

I do. Is there something inherently wrong with that though? I just was never into thin girls. That good picture you took of your hips recently with about 15 lbs extra, is my preferred size. Why, Bam's seed? Why?!

well it's just funny how you think american girls are trash and black girls are untouchable but fat girls are where it's at. luckily i'm really good at dieting i don't like the attention i get when i'm thick

Whoa, when did I say black girls are untouchable. Didn't I admit here I broke my 5 month dry spell with Negroid woman. I'm talking about American and black girls awful attitudes, promiscuity, ingratitude, toxicity, poor womanhood, lack of loyalty, treachery, lechery, lack of class and culture as what turns a lot of men off them.

I liked your body better with some extra meat on it, but then again, as I stated in the aforementioned, I'm physically attracted to chubby girls.

she's gonna have heart problems

i used to have a low heart rate and heart palpitations and was on medication.

you're so critical of womens morals and character yet you like chicks who can't stop stuffing their mouths.

I feel gross when I'm fat but I never approached anything near the girls you're into.

Can I please see a picture of your labia?

I'm on my period

Even better

Upvotes please. I wanna see a little ketchup on that kebab.

Hayyy, dat's vulgah

Boy, you really are a friendly creep.

Only on here. In the company of fellow weirdos. I don't walk around in my life thinking about any of this outside of here, and certainly don't discuss any of this out there. I like chubby/slightly fat girls, no full on landwhales or obese monsters. I used to love it when my girlfriends/lovers would eat cookies in their bras and panties w/o a care in the world, knowing I wouldn't make fun of them. A girl acting like a hoe, but then demanding to be treated like a princess is far more sickening to me, and most men, then a girl who likes 2 bowls of ice cream.

You seem irked that he likes chunky girls more than he likes junkie alcoholics who let men use their faces for target practice and post pictures of their asshole on a subreddit for a dead radio show.

I don't need him to like me. He's dead ass wrong for liking fat girls though

Sure you do. I've dated blackies before. You're always seeking the approval of the white man.

Not me. I need a dick so big you can see it in my stomach. Try making that happen with a fat girl

Might be true my love. I banged a fatty and I couldn't even feel her whereas I had a coupla slim girls ( before I got fat meself you understand ) and they were so tight and delicious I had to eat them out for hours by way of thanks.

Hey now, Bams Seed is a legend in these parts. Play nice. I get her point though, her whole life, like most chicks, she probably heard how important it is for a woman to keep her figure to attract a man, only to have some guys state they actually like them fat. It's a bit of a mind fuck.

I'm assuming she mostly heard "SHUT UP, BITCH!" before getting one across the mouth and spending the month at the women's shelter.

with Negroid woman

a regular Bill Maher

Bill, just like our other Bill, is a fetishist. I don't have the luxury to exclude women entirely based on race or ethnicity when it comes to dating, and like to give everyone the benefit of the doubt. Plus, I'm a certified nut, so most girls who fuck/date me or moving down in the world. I at least have the self-awareness to know this about myself. Either way I genuinely like/prefer chubsters to thin broads. In HS I had this crush on this fat girl with the reverse butter face scenario. I confided this to my friends, and they laughed and shamed me out of it. I regret it to this day.

alright, move on

I'm sorry.

you're fat

How much of your disgust for fat women comes from the fat black girls that have been cunts to you because of your light skin and figure?

Thats part of it I guess. Fuck the haters

If I had morbidly obese whores yelling at me on a regular basis I'd likely hate them too. They seem like an angry and miserable group to deal with.

Can't help ya. I only fuck 9s and 10s, bro.

Once they turn 11 though they get real chatty about our romantic encounters all of a sudden. Rotten old ladies.

ITS NOT TRWUUUE! I WAS JUST HELPING WIT THEIR HOMEWORK!!!.... c'mere Angela, let me show you how big girls feel good, and KEEP THEIR MOUTHS SHUT!

SHHHUUUURRRREEEE. We can exchange some tips on getting the ladies. ehe ehe ehehe

Post a picture. I want to say they suck but we may be thinking of different things.

Like that Kat dennings broad from 2 broke girls. But even chubbier.

I have 2 friends with benefits right now, one's fat and one's chubby, and they have more sexual creativity than any sack of antlers I've fucked...... although skinny cunts are more visually appealing, what should get your dick hard is a woman whose a good lay.

That's the whole thing dude, I don't even think skinny girls are more appealing. They even creep me out. It's to the point where I'm exclusively into chubsters now.

they're easier to choke out though

Not exclusively, but I'm into it

to quote the late great Mr. P, "A fat bitch will suck your dick in the back of a church."

I like a fat ass & titties but that’s about it, fat rolls disgust me.

I'm a desperate virgin so yes.

How old are you? And how did this happen to you? If you don't mind me asking, that is.

29, not to get all faggoty but I blame my crippling social anxiety. Fun stuff. Now back to pointing out how Opie has tits.

I double down on not getting all faggy, but work on yourself a lil man. Hit the weights, put yourself out there and don't let the assholes around you fuck with your head brothaman.

Yeah it's fun innit? I'm an obese alcoholic who works at a bakery and I haven't touched puss in over a decade because of how awful I am. And the last time I did it was a fat broad who I didn't realize was fat until she got naked! Fuckin voodoo magic man! And he punani was so big I couldn't feel it so I ate her plump box until she came and then I got the hell out of there.


I'd rather go for a chubby woman than a skinny one. Chubby women are generally better in bed and seeing the outline of a girls ribs and sternum aren't very appealing to me. It also depends on the specific woman. Some hold weight in ways that look good (ass, breasts, hips) while others just look like a mess (stomach, back, arms).

Yes. I meant chubby/fat within reason. Not some malshaped slob. But someone who's well proportioned and hold their fat well.

I've heard a theory that men are attracted to women with big breasts, wide hips, a big ass, and so on because of a biological breeding instinct. In the old days body fat was seen as a resource and a sign of healthy times for breeding. If people are fat it means there's an abundance of food and relative luxury, so this woman has a better chance of successfully giving birth and raising a child than a thin and malnourished woman whose body is already taxed and stressed. Interesting theory, no idea how true it is though.

Yea, this is actually regarded as pretty accurate from a biological/evolutionary standpoint. But this begs the question, why is thin so in? Why are skinny girls, and I'm not talking about the rail thin cat walk models, but generally thin girls held in such esteem?

Because they're hotter

I guess to most/many. I just don't get it, which is why I asked this question in the first place. I even enjoy the stronger must/stench that emanates from fat girls over petite broads. Maybe I've completely lost my mind. I dunno.

That's disgusting you're disgusting

Why? I don't understand. Why do girls flip out when guy's aren't into conventional, but still healthy shit. I'm not into any kinks, besides slight fetish stuff. I'm into chubby girls, and enjoy their musk, it's more potent, intoxicating, womanly, probably the same way you're into big island dick, or how American girls fly in over the summer for Marco and Ramon to tag team them while hubby waits lovingly at home by the phone, like a good lil bitch. Why can't you be happy for me, and the chubby girls I like, who are always getting fucked with? I don't get it.

You can't compare my love of big dick to your preference for fatties. You're a freak

How fat is fat to you? I'm not one of those feeder guys, or some dude who's into morbidly obese chicks. I like a nice chubby girl. Many would say size queens, especially those who bang two bit losers who are connected to those dicks, freakish as well. To each their own, but I don't understand why you're so disgusted by plus size cutie pies, or why a man's preference in them produces such a visceral reaction in you. I find them more ladylike, maternal, warm, better lovers, more understanding, compassionate, passionate, fun, loving than entitled thin girls. Girls are so mean, I'd thought you'd would be happy for the fatties.

Lol you thought id be happy for them like youre some kind of prize. Girls start getting fat around size 8 if theyre short.

No, I know, and admit I'm no prize pig. I've said often, I may be the biggest loser here, or at least the biggest failure considering what I've wasted my entire life. I meant it as being happy for a fellow woman, especially one who would be otherwise overlooked/ridiculed, that she may find a man who actually likes her for her. Good God Bam's Seed, you really hate fat chicks, don't you? This is why women are awful and inherently toxic. Some hip, cool black guy or hotshot Porsche driving white frat bro, go out and see a dorky Indian kid get a girl, no matter how nasty, and they high five each other in a moment of compassion, understanding, and camaraderie. Women see a mediocre guy like me making out with a chubster, and pure venom follows. You bitches fucked up redbone. No bueno.

Do you feel happy for the black men who give it to me better than yoj ever could?

Yea. I don't care. Good for them and you. Men, generally don't care about that stuff unless they're rabid racists or have some sort of self-loathing chip on their shoulder. Women, on the other hand go ballistic. It's as if their entire self-worth is based on being fuckable, to the exclusion of all other broads. I honestly didn't expect this from you, but can't begin to tell you the amount of shit I got from women, especially my women for giving up on them altogether and chasing Latina/Asian chubsters. It's like I murdered a fucking puppy or sumptin'. Why do you hate fatties Bams Seed. Do you see yourself in them? Or does their happiness make you sad? As if you're being thin entitles you to all male attention? Why, Bams Seed. WHY?!

Im a fat girl on the inside i watch my 600 lb life and can relate to it. Ive worked hard to stay thin and i dont think gluttony should be praised and admired.

Wait, are you under the impression those are the women I'm talking about? https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=TKddiEp2&id=A104FC7DFE9464A9FA51B27DF993952378534AAA&thid=OIP.TKddiEp22ugtYY1VmJ-GQADhEs&q=hot+fat+girl&simid=608019413801173262&selectedIndex=11&ajaxhist=0
This is a quik search of an ideal body type? Is that really so worthy of disgust? If so, you buggin'

Sloppy and gross. You literally said you like fat women because they're stinkier

I like a more powerful stank. A stronger more pungent natural body odor. I'm not referring to an actual putrid shit smell. But whatever. We just don't agree here. Anyway, its 11 here, I'm gonna stretch and hit the sack, unfortunately not with a fatty by my side, although I'm working on one now, who's a cashier at the local supermarket. I give her a month until she succumbs to my disgusting advances. Take care Bams Seed, I'll talk to you when I do.

Good night & god bless

Social norms, maaahn. Shut up.

I think a lot of it is either personal preference or influence from various media. People are bombarded with media displaying thin people as attractive and amazing and over time they internalize that since it's been repeated to them their entire life. Women end up thinking that being 10 or 15 pounds overweight makes them a pig and that they're unlovable and do all sorts of fad and crash diets that make them miserable just to obtain some arbitrary body fat percentage that someone else set for them.

Men are guilty of this behavior too. If you've ever been to a gym you've likely seen the guy that I'm talking about. The dude that's been on the same bro-split for two years but is weak and small because he never eats enough out of fear of losing those anemic abs. He stays the same size and doesn't make significant strength gains but you can see his stomach muscles when he takes off his athletic cut medium shirt so he's winning right?

Oh I hear you about societal pressure to look perfect, and mass media propaganda and conditioning, but men are just so abnormally attracted to thin women, sometimes to the total exclusion of gorgeous chubby girls, that it boggles the mind. But hey what do I know, got date night with the ole lady, a box of zinfandel, and some KY for some dirty fun, ya hear me, pal.


I like a woman who’s tits fall under her armpits when she’s on her back.

oh, that's lovely.

If they're proportioned right (thin waist, wide hips) and don't have a fat face, then I find them superior to thin women. When guys post these eastern European broads with zero fat or muscle tone and hold them up like the pinnacle of womanness, it honestly confuses me. I don't get the obsession with women like that. That said, most chubby chasers I've met are into women who are far too fat for me. So we may actually be talking about different body types.

Thank you, your honor.

thats not really chubby though.

I agree

I gotta say, buddy , who cares

Like Mr. Dangerfield says," They get no respect!"

They do though. What loses me when it comes to this topic is people playing it safe. "I'm not talking morbidly obese, just a fat ass and tits and good proportions about 25 pounds overweight". So you're saying...you like hot chicks and are the same as everyone ? Until you want to fuck the things from my 600 pound life it's not exactly a hot take. The only person I've ever heard take a hard stance against it is Anthony, and I don't think I need to explain further what I mean by that


bobby had a girl on last month who did time for dui's, and she is also a plus size model so i had to look her up. liz russo, to me that body type is perfect, plus she lost 80lbs so she was bigger. i would take that any day over a kate quigley type.

How many dui'?

two, but she got the second one before she even went to court for the first one. i know people who have multiple (six being the highest) and they have never done more than 48 hours.

That's insane. After my last arrest, I had to go to one of those court ordered rehab things. There was this chick in there, extremely cute brunette, who was there for a DWI. She finished the program, and while still on probation, she went to some holiday party, and while pulling out of the driveway, some other drunk person smashed into her, and ended up either dying or severely hurting themselves, I forget exactly which one it was. Anyway, she was tested at the scene, and blew hot. She got sentenced to serious time. It was so fucked up. Really put's the fear of God into you.

And where the fuck can someone have up to six DUI/DWIs in the country and not get in serious trouble. The whole NYC metro area, especially LI, got VERY tough on the issue, honestly as they should have.

thats total over about 25 years. five in california and one in nevada. the law here changed about twelve years ago, now they dont fall off your record for eight years i think, but prior to that it was only like 2 or 3. he had a total of six and beat two in court. one being he was coming home from the bar and got a flat about 5 blocks from his place. a cop stops to assist him, smells booze and on top of that a joint falls out of shirt pocket in front of the cop so they test him and take him in. his story in court was that he was driving home earlier, got a flat and walked home. while at home he gets drunk and thinks its a good idea to just go change the tire so his car doesnt get towed. nobody could prove it didnt happen like that so it got tossed.

I hope he learned his lesson, man. DWI's are no fucking joke, and assuming you don't even crash, will ruin your life.

no doubt. i luckily never got one and am now old enough to know better, ol mac was in his 50's back when he got number 6, never married and no kids and made good money so he would always party with the kids in their 20's. but being that old and still having roomates must suck. he never hurt anyone besides himself with his drinking, so i dont think he ever really felt the need to change his ways.

Poor Mac. Hope he found his peace. The life of a bar fly is a nightmare. You often see these guys with big smiles and having a great time, but you know they're fucking dying inside.

Dead or alive?

A bit late to the party here, but I'm with ya. Chubby is better

Upvotes please. I wanna see a little ketchup on that kebab.

Do you feel happy for the black men who give it to me better than yoj ever could?

Like Mr. Dangerfield says," They get no respect!"

Poor Mac. Hope he found his peace. The life of a bar fly is a nightmare. You often see these guys with big smiles and having a great time, but you know they're fucking dying inside.