Theory: Bonnie doesn't want Vos to take off his shirt on front of Jim because she's jealous

14  2018-01-25 by yismeicha

Jim loves Vos and wants to suck his pecka. Bonnie knows this and also knows that Jim and Vos have a very close relationship going back to before Bonnie met Vos. She doesn't want Jim and Rich's relationship to turn sexual.


the person who insisted vos take his shirt off constantly was Sam Roberts..who also has a passion for a sport with half naked men...conclusion..obvious.. P.s. Sam used to tease Bonnie because he was jealous she had rich and not

the puzzle is complete!!

Wow. I haven't thought of it from that angle.

When dealing with people involved in the show’s fallout it’s always most practical to approach from the “he’s probably a faggot” angle.

Understandable, just on statistics alone, what's the likelihood of both of them being flaming homosexuals.

Bonnie is flat as a board and jealous over Vos' pecks.

Bonnie constantly accuses Rich of being Gay on their podcast, and though she claims she is a comedy savant, I think her accusations are telling.

vos really does look great for his age

I am going to wager Bonnie doesn't like Jim very much because they spent years fucking bar sluts together.