Does anyone find Vos funny?

0  2018-01-25 by anthonycuminya69

Anyone who likes vos should be force fed dog shit sandwiches


He's funny off the cuff, like on the radio are talking amongst his peers. His standup stinks though, but to be fair, 99% of stand up is awful.

He's consistently funny.

Every time he shits on Sam an angel gets its wings.

I think the way he talks is funny.

He is funny in a jewy kind of way.

So you guys like dog shit sandwiches?

His Stand up is hot garbage, but he’s funny on the radio.

Super funny, but we are laughing at him not with him. He explains that his wife is so funny that people can't understand her humor... that is Funny. He also hates snitches and dresses like a Bario Warrior Holmes. He can't block me here can he?

Look he kills on shtage.


I'll take a dozen.