What kind of adult enjoys this?

37  2018-01-24 by Dennyislife


the kind of adult who shamelessly admits he has never cum twice in a 24 hour period, or shamelessly admits a chicken tendie centric diet.... i'm busy at work, stop asking stupid questions

admits he has never cum twice in a 24 hour period

I'm baffled

I wonder if Sam has ever cum twice in a 30 day period. Dude has issues.

Calls 911 for a flat tire.

If there was ever a time for police brutality.

".... I nominate Chris Rock."

admits he has never cum twice in a 24 hour period,

That's a new one to me. Asexual faggot.

Kevin Brennan said he fucked his wife once a week. Tendy Boy said that was great. The avg married couple fucks twice a week. Sam is probably a virgin raising a state trooper's son.

Ive never not cum twice in a 24 hour period

you're preaching to the choir

I'm cumming to the linked video right now. Sam's a fag.

he has never cum twice in a 24 hour period

Did this faggot actually reveal that recently?

no, back on O&A. to his credit, maybe he grew a spine and learned to keep that under his hat

He plugged his radio show. What a fucking tool.

I'm going to break the 4th wall here. ::sniff:: He has an IFB in his ears, so they weren't ringing at all...

Q: How can I make myself more hateable? A: 🎀

That guy on the right was like Overly Expressive Black Guy's retard cousin

"Over the moon"? Eww..

The best part is how he loses every ounce of confidence in the last 5 seconds

haha thanks for pointing that out - i only had the strength for the first few seconds, but the look on his face at the end is so introspective

That clip should end in a firebomb.

Or a lose spotlight falling on his head.

Or Owen Hart falling on his head

He can tell that his dream of a WWE career is circling the drain.

Imagine a life where your goal was to be Todd Pettengill


And never being able to achieve said goal because your voice sounds like a rodent with diarrhea and your face looks like a fraggle rock character.

The Black dude taking the piss out of it was funny.

I loved WWF (as it was then) for about 2 years - the Ultimate Warrior/Jake the Snake Roberts/The Rockers/Legion of Doom era.

Then someone told me it was fake. Then I discovered girls and masturbation.

I was 11/12.

Sam is a child. End of.

Really showing his Opie influence with the "want a little taste?"

He is so fucking terrible at that job. Those awful jokes...

This is legitimately as bad as anything he ever mocks on his stupid show.

"that's a corpse raping tux" comment seriously is shakesperian

Kevin Pollack was right about Sam.

He is almost Todd Pettengill.

How long until he puts Jimmy on the Pay No Mind List and starts doing phone scams with Florentine?

You could just FEEL the two AP's off camera in the reverse jumping and fanning their arms in an "up" motion to keep the "energy" up from the crowd. They're woo-ing like someone has a fucking civil war cannon aimed at them, and an ignition stick one inch from the fuse.

Call me crazy, but every wrestling fan when I was growing up was generally white trash

I'm baffled they would give him this job. He has a tranny voice and bad face. I'm also impressed he could get it.

Adult wrestling fans infuriate me. I refuse to believe any grown men truly enjoy pro wrestling. They actually force themselves to develop/maintain a taste for it. They’re men who go out of their way to not grow up.

Erock was even worse than Sam, because Erock did this with more than just wrestling. Yeah, don’t push yourself to acquire a taste for literature or art. Put effort into becoming interested in legos and toy trains. Fat douche.

This is a widespread epidemic and partially due to the overall feminization of our culture over the past 20 years. It's the only reason we have shitty moneygrab Superhero and Star Wars movies. Men want to stay children because that's what attracts younger women now, someone they can boss around and award playtime to.

Men want to stay children because that's what attracts younger women now

hot take until this part. Pussies dry up around men who are into this dumb shit. It’s all part of the Jews’ plan to keep white guys from getting laid.

True, Jess and ERock's wife must have nonexistent self esteem.

Dude, it eas a 45-second clip and I couldn't even make it through half of it.

".... I nominate Chris Rock."