Rare footage of Anthony after draining Sue's peckah

167  2018-01-24 by avpersonapd


mp4 link

This mp4 version is 97.9% smaller than the gif (56.03 KB vs 2.61 MB).

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The Ant

It can't cope with the flesh

The Fag

what Simpsons Episode is that?

make's you wonder why someone made a gif from that scene.

his skin cream regiment has been working marvels

Gross dude.

We'd all drink Sue's cum, but it's anyone here man enough to snowball it from Anthony? I won't judge

no we wouldn't and i will judge you for being a massive faggolio

I'm a man of my word.But were I not: such swift judgement would fall heavy on your shoulders for using "faggolio". 'Faggot' too harsh for you?

faggolio sounds more light hearted and fun. either way to each their own i guess, faggot

I'm on your side fag. These cunts spew chip jokes like their life depends on it, it might as well be cum dribbling out of their mouths.

That would be gay...... Straight from the tap bro!

God damn rich cunt!

Please. No.



Got em

It's pecka, not peckah

Don't type in a cute phonetic way. It's unbecoming of an adult male

This is disgusting. Ant swallows of course
