Since it stinks here recently- What would you guys do with $10 million U.S.?

1  2018-01-24 by WhippingHuskies



I'd pay to have you killed.

Undecided on what to do with the remaining $9,999,975 but I'll get back to you.

Hey,my life is worth more than $25!!!!!!!!!!!! Give me that much at least you bastard.

Apparently Spain is in imminent danger of a major terrorist attack within the next 48 hrs.

Why don't you do some sightseeing buddy?


Is it really? I'm way out in the coastal sticks, so doubt I'll run into some kebab chamisos.

How big are you flacid and the same question for fully erect?

I never measure. Are you flirting with me you fabulous cutie pie?

Bollocks. How big or small is it? You must have some idea.

Tell me.

You disgust me. But I dunno man, I never measured. Avg. I'd say for Southern European dudes, I guess.

Give it to the mods so they will hopefully shut down this harassment site.

go fishing on a beach while writing passive aggressive bullshit in the sand and posting it to twitter. all while my wife gets anally plowed by a washed up skateboarder that wipes his shitty dick all over my white couch.

oh, and my two special needs children are being raised by a Dominican immigrant that makes around 80k a year under the table.


Buy a farm out mid west and shoot prairie dogs all day with a .222 and because hate neighbors where at now i would rent out house only to nigger families

lmao, the second part of your answer made me chuckle. Well done, Pogo, you sick fuck.

You know what I would do if I had ten million dollars? I would invest half of it in low risk mutual funds and then take the other half over to my friend Asadulah who works in securities...

That was the inspiration for this post. Watching it now, gets better/truer with each view.

Truly one of the best movies ever. I can't think about federal prison without thinking of it as federal pound-you-in-the-ass prison.

All this comic talk, I posit it to you, Mike Judge is the greatest comedic genius of all time. Beavis and Butthead, KOTH, Office Space, Idiocracy, prophetic work. Don't wanna see it on account of my disgust for its actors, but I hear Silicon Valley is pretty good too.

dude, Opie is Stewart. W-I-N-G-E-R

He even has a similar appearance to Albeit, Stewart was an actual decent guy with a big heart. And I bet you anything Opie's psychotic mom was in fact, a carbon copy of Stewart's supportive/ wacky upper middle class mom.

I love Stewart. oh, no!

hey, do you want to head over to Chotchky's for some pizza shooters or maybe some extreme fajitas?

First thing I'd do is hire an assistant to do all my chores and grunt work. Just the process of doing laundry, booking flights, hotels, restaurants is precious time taken away from thinking how I'm going to spend all that money.

You'd hire Keith? Freak.

He'd be good at sorting my laundry, that's for sure.

Tss tss yea, cuz he likes to have Hasidic sex or sumptin' DVdvVDVvdvv

Probably get a 7 million dollar condo with 120k a month fees/taxes attached to it then spend all my time live streaming on Facebook to 14 people from an IHOP.

Totally unrelated, but are you from Spain originally?

Yea, I was born here. But immigrated to NYC when I was 5. I used to come during the summers when my parents eventually started doing well, when I was in HS, which was awesome. But unfortunately, I'm a stranger in my own homeland now.

I spent my teenage years in spain going to botellones and stopping by the clinic for a free morning after pill. Good times

Brahahaha, you're pretty funny Bam's seed. Careful with the Haitian though, your post alarmed me yesterday. The last thing you need is another crazed Islander attacking you with an edged weapon once you spurn their advances. When are you crazy broads gonna learn??!!!!

yeah this is my 2nd haitian the first one there were a lot of red flags that he was going to be abusive and of course I was always "overreacting" because i'm so trauamatized.

this one is an nfl player though so he knows there will be consequences like getting suspended for a game if he hits me

Oh ok. Be careful dudette.

Is it Rogers-Cromartie? The guy with like 14 kids from 12 different women or something?

Lol no

Why'd you move, not enough blacks?

Pretty much

I would go live in Russia. That place is now more traditionally American than America these days.

It's still very fucked up there though from what I understand. There's an actual dictator there and people have to walk on eggshells for real. Settling in Eastern Europe is a better compromise methinks.

I'd donate it all to The Joyomi Foundation.

What is this Joyomi Foundation? I thought it was the name of a Japanese pornstar some weaboos were obsessed with here.

You don't know who Joyomi is? He's my sweet little man. I'm a father figure of sorts to him. He's 23, his name's Travis, he's a virgin, he owns a pug, he likes 80s horror movies, action figures and stapling pictures of his mother's face over the faces of women he then rapes and murders. He also works as a dog groomer and formerly hosted the universally beloved youtube series "Blowing Hot Takes In Your Hair" where he released his autistic frustrations on the world. The fame got to him and he dropped the Joyomi name and refuses to blow any more Hot Takes.

BRAHAHAHAHA, I must check this out. Thanks Ghost.

Can you renovate his room while you're at it? And spray for bedbugs?

I go to 4 pediatric wards in need of new medical machines and get each one the most needed replacement. That would be 2 milly or so. Then give family about 4 milly. With the remaining 4 mil, I'd start a radio station, hire Opie then promptly fire him, burp and hire Scott shannon and scorch for mornings.

You're equal parts saint and degenerate. Bless you twisted heart.

It's all about having a strong equalibrum.

Sure is, buddy.

I'd pay for Bobo's sister to see the rest of the world but earmark 8.99 a month for a Compound subscription.

Would you at least request sexual favors in return.

No. I just want her to be happy.

I would use the money to coerce lynsi into leaving Opie and moving in with me.

You think 10 million would be enough to sway her?

start an O&A museum and buy up all the bbboys merchandise i could to put in it. i'd also buy the rights to their comedy central pilot "search and destroy" so we could finally see it!

Buy a Compound of my own, with a tall, tall fence.

But a real one, not a McMansion with bad hollow pillars and cream-colored everything.

I could create some pretty snazzy animation.

I would pay $5000 to shut down this sub.

buy a mcmansion and isolate myself from society

Id pay 6k to have this sub shutbdown

I would hire Opie, Anthony and Jim to play a private party at my place but I wouldn't tell them the others would be there. Then I'd film it and post the video here. And we'd all laugh and laugh and laugh.

What is this Joyomi Foundation? I thought it was the name of a Japanese pornstar some weaboos were obsessed with here.

I never measure. Are you flirting with me you fabulous cutie pie?

Can you renovate his room while you're at it? And spray for bedbugs?