Bobby Kelly and Richie Vossy are on from the start today.

42  2018-01-24 by Dennyislife


Whenever two big name comics are on from the start it makes me think another comedian died.

Its for Louie's career.

They would never.


At first i thought that.. Then i saw that Bill Cosby is about to do a standup show so all things are possible.

RIP Artie

Is that really what Rich did to his skin? Tell me that’s fake and he didn’t cover himself with flowers.

Taking bets on whether Troy gets Vos to take off his shirt again or not.

That bit never gets old right gang.

It's like Opie used to say "How about smelling the goop from his ears?! It smells horrible!"

I really wish he got pulled off that cliff along with his dumb girlfriend

True story:

Quan and Vos have a combined age of 100.

Also, fun fact number 2:

Anthony Cumia is older than the last 6 of his girlfriends combined ages.

Troy must have an IQ of negative 41, since we all know Rich has 141.

You messed up there, buddy.

Yes I did, but you didn't have to humiliate me

It's alright, we all make mistakes!

Where we at with the reading comprehension? Sniff.

I was a rockstar at it back in the day

"Diamond encrusted fidget hands." Bobby's got a nigga ribs hurtin ta day.

Vos: I don’t care about this story, I’m not a wrestling fan. Sam: then why are you in radio?

Did Captain Caveman really say that to Vos? Last I checked, we weren't in the bible belt of Mississippi going to wrasslin on Thanksgiving.

If jimmy would deflate his ego, maybe he could see that having comics and regards on the show is a better route then having Joe Buck on talking about why he loves the bachelorette

It is enraging how Sam talks to Vos. Jimmy and Bob are disgraceful for allowing it. Vos should smash him and then just walk off. The kid that used to get him coffee and is worse than Tits talks like that? I cannot respect Vos ever again

You respected Vos?

Sure today's 28 years 4 months and 16 daysh without a drink or drug in hish body

Vos is the first guy to trash someone. When AntH was fired he sat right in his seat without even thinking twice. He was great. But, allowing Opie Roberts to even speak to him even slightly sideways is embarrassing.

Fuck yes! My favourites

I love when Sam does his impressions from The Room. Fucking hack.

I guess they got the freight elevator working