Burr on his podcast explains he moved to LA because of XM's decision to stop running ads for comedians who appeared on O&A show

16  2018-01-24 by shaqfan99


he missed out on Opie's $750 paycheques..


Add another Brit to the list!

Is that how they really spell it! I don’t like it, I don’t like it one bit.

oh also because his insufferable sjw whore wife forced him to.

Time stamp?

I don't get it, I feel like the plugs that they made during their actual time on the air were what mattered; who listened to the commercials? I had an XM sub for 10 years, I never sat around and listened to the commercials between breaks.

I can wrap my head around it if it bothered more as a matter of principle, but as far as dollars and cents...I don't know if it affected him quite as severely as he thinks? I don't know.

Did he explain why he became a massive phony sellout faggot as well?

Wife wanted to see the Pacific Ocean, pussy whipped Billy said sure thing massa.

I can't listen (assembling sandwiches atm natch); did he explain why he married a literal gorilla?


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