(CLIP) "Being a dad isn't something I wanna do, plus I'm probably gay." -Jim Norton

17  2018-01-23 by feltingmeces


Wow, didn't even say it in a joking tone. After fifty years, he's finally figuring it out.

You would think he'd figure it out after taking his first rope on the face at age 10.

it's not gay if it's before puberty.

ME: They gotta figure that one out!

Y'all were expecting a Rich Vos plug, weren't ya? Nah, he really said it, just like that.

Thank god Jim isn't a father. His son would be a ghoul.

Jim doesn't believe in homosexual parenting. Fire him.

Hard to tell if Jim meant his homosexuality would make it hard for him to impregnate a woman, or if he meant homos are mentally ill and shouldn't be raising anything.

Someone should call in tomorrow and ask for clarification.

It ain't Sodomy if the dick got a dress on

I really don't quite know what's up with Jim's sexuality. He's dated plenty of women, the guy's 50 goddamn years old, not a confused college student. I know he fucks or gets fucked by trans prostitutes so that's kinda gay. But has he ever talked about dating/banging a regular dude?


I think all of Jim's sexuality issues stem from the fact that he has no self confidence and he was molested by neighborhood bullies as a child

"Probably", you suck dick faggot

Yeah I heard that this morning on the way to work. Noticed that no one was laughing at him or making a joke of it. Just awkward silence and barreling thru.

he pronounced "powerfully" wrong

He doesn't have what it takes to be a father. The ability to put sometime else's needs before your own is just a start.


I think all of Jim's sexuality issues stem from the fact that he has no self confidence and he was molested by neighborhood bullies as a child