Chip Chipperson " I steer the funny"

34  2018-01-23 by Dennyislife

Starting to think jim is using Chip in a proxy war against Opie


That sounds like a really wormy and passive aggressive way to handle it.

A proxy fight it is. Two fictional characters in a death match, Opie and Chip.

Oh i dont know, i think there was something to be said for arming al qaeda with stinger missiles to shoot at russian jets

It was the mujahideen and the stingers were only effective against the Russian choppers, couldn’t catch the MIGs

Mujahideen just means jihadist, they were made up of the taliban and al qaeda.

Hey, look: The fat, friendless autistic Brit /u/DennyIsLife has made another useless thread overanalyzing a single sentence from a terrible radio show...

I'm not fat.

What're you a fuckin' muffin or sumptin'? I don't know I'm just riffin.

That was kind of an unjustified thing to say, dude.

I mean, “terrible” radio show? Lighten up.

"Hey Ope, go fuck yourself" - things you will never hear Jim Norton say.

The only one with balls is opie. He flat out said “Ron Bennington can go fuck himself. Always giving advice. What does he know” or something like that. Jim Norton is a little fucking bitch. Little bitch ass faggot.

Opie cried when someone discussed how he didn't like him.

Are you Opie?

No, I’m Gavin/redbar last time I heard

You are not fooling anyone. Multiple people here have exposed you for being a mike David alt account. And we all know you come here to steal material because you have no talent.

Chip is Opie. It took me an embarrassingly long time to realize that.

It also makes me wonder if Uncle Paul is Anthony.

Not in the beginning, but he has certainly become Opie. And, unfortunately, he’s just as unfunny.

Hot take

Sam is still kind of uncomfortable trashing opie. Ant and Jim fucking love it. It's all they want to do when they're together.

I was listening to old clips today and J&A were making fun of fat Erock.

Ant said "he had a G" and they rattled off "Gut", "Gout", all these funny fat jokes about the letter G.

Opie chimed in "Yeah he has a F!"

Perfect example of Chip = Opie.

Of course, there's an entire compilation of clips to show it:

I think it's a funny way to indirectly throw little jabs just like Opie's been doing over Twitter since they split, without naming him.

What're you a fuckin' muffin or sumptin'? I don't know I'm just riffin.