erock is killing himself slowly.

8  2018-01-23 by Dennyislife


He really is. He and Bob Kelly are dangerously unhealthy.

All that aside I do agree that a claussen is tasteriffic.

Nagel does not get a piece of the Reviewbrah pie.

Are we sure Erock isn't just a little kid that wished he was big?

He eats nothing but junk, plays with toys & cries while watching cartoons.

That would also explain whatever the fuck Sam Roberts is.

He’s a big boy that wishes he was little. I like animation and I collect stuff (not obsessively) so I get where he’s coming from and enjoy his geeky show. But the dude is eating himself into an early grave. At least he doesn’t have kids to leave behind, like selfish Steve. They were trying at one point, I thought. I wonder if the Nagel Seed is a goo of duds.

if thats what makes you happy in life, fuck it

this is not an excuse for women though, they don't have difficulties in life

He should do whatever he wants, but he doesn’t need to be 350 pounds to enjoy his life. I like Erock and I’d rather he not die at 45, which is where he’s headed. I mean, don’t get me wrong, it’ll make me laugh, but on the inside I’ll be sad.

you dont really care about him lol (neither do i)

Samples and reviews, so you don't have to.

Who the fuck Googles a cereal review before buying it?

I mean, I get why you'd do it before buying a case of wine, or a decent scotch; but who the fuck cares if you're out $4 on shitty-tasting poptarts?

Erock cares. Hashtag the consumer.

"I like to try new cereals when I go to the market"

He's basically the white Daym Drops

He has little health tips in many of the posts which are adorable.

Getting these critical reviews out to his 1300 followers and definitely not just using it as an excuse to eat treats.

Why would you want to watch anybody eat stuff? Especially a fat slob who would eat anything.

I'm not going to lie. A garlic dill pickle does sound good right now.

Heeey he has the new diet coke flavours on there. Thats neat.