Come on you lazy shitbags!!! ATTACK!!!!

1  2018-01-23 by [deleted]



it’s honestly hard to distill opie hate into a single comment or action. i’m hoping some of the crazies here start sending fake job offers

Start a twitter account and smash him!! Opie doesn't give a shit about this place.. Twitter is his last bastion!!!

Take off your beret you delusional faggot, you're not starting a revolution.

Do nothing then you fuckin waste man.. this sub is dead

I can’t stand any of them. Jim isn’t worth defending nor is it worth my time to attack this fading ex-DJ. Maybe find yourself a hobby.

Come on!! Stop posting shitting Colin falhe.. whatever jokes and do something!!!

Most of us are blocked

Smh.. it takes 1 minute to start a new account

They want cell number for a new twitter or google,yahoo mails

Use google voice!! Use vyke.. seriously, this sub is dead.. all the good people have lost interest... all that's left is fuckin garbage...

Concede to?????

He's such a dummy he can't go a sentence without being a fucking dummy.

is that what "concede" means?

Wasn't Opie the genius behind such great radio bits like 'baby shit moustache' and 'breast milk ice cream'?