The level of denial is staggering.

129  2018-01-23 by Frequent2001


What about baby shit mustaches

Epic, EPIC radio. People were glued to their radios, man

That whole baby poop thing was so strange. Out of nowhere he came up with that idea and went through with it like some lame ass office manager sitting on a dunk tank at a company picnic.

Then kept bringing it up later like it was the day he took one for the team, 2hen nobody fucking asked him to do it.

Yep, it was basically his "get out from under the bus free" card for the next 10 years. I don't know if I can think of another single time he was in the barrel in any kind of real way. Perhaps during the famous "Opie in a wheelchair" hi-larity but that was mild compared to the stuff every other single person shared/did/caught shit for.

Well after the fact, Anthony did give Opie shit for his fawning over Mustard's first appearance, and separately mocked Opie's attempt to bankroll his career. There was another comic there at the time, not sure who though.

so he does pay attention to the HATERS

It’s because you’re stupid, Opie. A literal minded dunce. Incapable of creative expression, so he fancies himself as a plain spoken man who tells it like it is. But it’s just a cover of course. If he could sing, dance, act, paint, talk, joke or express himself in any artistic way, he’d find ways to try to be funny other than saying odd shit, stomping on cakes or hanging up on callers.

Incapable of creative expression, so he fancies himself as a plain spoken man who tells it like it is.

This is so dead on.

We know.

Leave it alone.

Leave it aloooooone.

He knows he's a moron - that's why he's so defensive about it, and it's why he's such a miserable, angry cunt. He spent twenty years with some of the quickest minds in comedy, and all he could do was sit there like a lump while everyone else was being funny. Opie has always been the dumbest guy in the room, and he's painfully aware of it.

No way. He still has zero awareness of it.

If he had some humility he could have saved himself with self-deprecating humor. Alas he's just a thoroughly dumb cunt.

It's just typical dumbshit Gregg. He addresses something by talking about a part of it nobody meant in their reference. I guess he thinks he's fooling the fawkin haters to be able to say "See, I talked about if Chip was me. I'm not hiding from the question" when he's clearly hiding from the question.

Exactly. It's kind of like when he pseudo-half-confusedly addressed his "greggshells" nickname, saying something to the effect of "I guess that means people are afraid of me or something".

While that statement isn't entirely incorrect, his greggshells nickname is obviously much more about the why people are afraid of walking on them; because he's a thin-skinned, pouty cunt. But he tries to flip it to make himself seem badass.

Although that's probably giving him too much credit; his retarded brain is just incapable of accepting blame or fault.

The other trick he uses is he starts off hostile and exasperated, as a discussion avoidance mechanism. He's trying to create the illusion that he's already given a thorough, detailed comment/answer five times over, and us Johnny-come-latelys are just catching the tail-end of things, and/or simply can't keep up.

He expresses himself in "autistic" ways.

I don’t think dummy used the word “concede” correctly or it’s just a really dumb way to word it. He isn’t a bright guy.

I can't even tell which word he is grasping for.

Probably "resort."

He's a fucking moron. That's not an insult, it's a statement of fact. It's the thing that really chaffs my hide about him. He can't read, he doesn't know basic vocabulary.

Patrice: This movie stinks.

HOLD ON! There's some gold here that just needs some fleshing out. Patrice, you really don't like this movie, huh?

Exactly where Opie Jr. Roberts learned his shit stained, brain dead craft from. “So__you really didn’t like __ huh?”

I’ve never thought about it, but that must be something they teach in broadcasting school. They are the only 2 hosts that come from that.

I cringed reading that and now I am wondering how the show ever overcame his shitty contributions. It is a testament to how funny Ant and Jim are together.

I steered the ship. PERIOD

...into multiple icebergs.

Opie knows how to galvanize the tards tho

Taking calls is what makes callers feel like they are also part of the bit

That's why Ron always put the audience first, him bashing fezzy was a nod to the audiences frustrations and made him look omni present in that r&f universe

Broadcast classes should study Ron and fez, it's the best kept secret in radio

The callers took away from moments and almost never added to them, whether it's because R&F had funnier/smarter callers or Tits just had a retards timing but it worked for Rons format. Whereas O&A was a show where comics bullshitted with the occasional disruptions by people like SNOWAY from Michigan.

The fans make radio, if you listen to enough O&A you realize the pests and sycophants were the backbone

Remember during the big fight, Opie told Jim you gotta work the conversation until you find then"sweet spot"?

People who use the term "fleshing out" should be drawn and quartered.

Or he meant concede, but didn't think it was necessary to add "my dignity". He's quite unintelligent either way.

yeah or "stoop"

I guess you forgot to chaff.

"Stoop" maybe.

“stoop to” would have worked

Concede means... admission, and acceptance of a point, or a loss.

The faggot is using the wording like when a candidate gives up and concedes the race but he doesn't knows what concede means. I hope he gets pancreatic cancer.

HA! Another fantastic failure of pontificating proportions by the fawkin haters. Nice try tho.

I never had to concede to wearing Halloween costumes

What the fuck does that even mean?

He forgot how to stay "resort" or "stoop to the level of".

Maybe I speak retard but it's him trying to take a shot at Jim.


..thats what i meant

It means tits is a retard. PERIOD. sniff.

I am still trying to understand the full extent of how profoundly retarded that statement was.

Not only did just Opie admit to watching the Chip podcast (which he claimed he didn't even know about) but he also revealed that he doesn't understand what the Chip bit is about at all. He thinks it's about a guy who dresses in costumes. Let that sink in and marvel at the retardation of this big titted nothing.

Yeah, who would want to dress up in costumes and pretend in front of a bunch of cameras for a living? What kind of stupid profession is that? Being an actor is so 1990.

What a complete and utter dunderhead.

Yeah, it's way cooler to walk around, videotaping random shit that happens on the street like every other asshole on the planet in a desperate attempt to get something - anything - to go viral. I mean, why be unique and creative when you can just record a guy going down stairs on rollerblades?

It's also way cooler to photograph an obese retarded man while shitting.

We're not a cover band, they are just jerks who play other people's songs. We're a Performance Tribute band, we adapt the mannerisms, sound, and look of a band to give you that total experience at an economical price.

I'm very busy focusing on Halloween (costumes) right now

I can't wait for this Sunday :)

Chip is going to humiliate him for this one can't wait

imagine how enraged this must make jim lol

How does "Greg Hughes the actor who plays Opie" have the ability to say he never wore a costume?

He's just mad that Harry Hater was a bust

It's tough to follow Loves the Internet Guy.

To be fair his magnum opus was "How to Chain Your Dragon".

The level of denial is staggering

Egypt gonna be flooding or sumtin. tss

Denial, Deceit, Delusion

Kookie, Krazy, Kancerous

If he were saying this out loud on radio he would stammered 6 times looking for the right word.

ME: I've uhh, never had to.. I never had to uhh.. FAAAWWWK HELP ME OUT HERE ANT, WHAT'S THE WORD IM LOOKING FOR? I never had to......

Ant: Uhhh, stoop? Lower yoursel-

ME: NO NO NO, conceit? Is it conceit? Or concede?

Ant: Uhh-

ME: I think it's concede. ANYWAY, I would never-

You get it.

Words. They need to figure this stuff out.

"sitting next to the least funny person on the planet" Jim referring to Opie as told to Than

No way Chip isn't based on Opie.

Yeah man Opie never did have to resort to being funny. He's right.

Level of denial? Wait wait. Wut about the level of demississippi?? tsst tsst

Oh, Opie.

The way Jim developed the Chip character in the last year (just one aspect of it being the costumes) is not very appealing and Opie actually (unknowingly) produced a nice slam.

Jim ''concedes'' to wearing costumes (ornamentation), because the character doesn't function in it's current form.

Whataya hauling today brothaman?

touché, my lamb chop

I see what you're saying and I kinda agree.

Here's what I mean. The Chip cartoon sucked and wasn't funny. Whereas the Chip podacast is hilarious. This is because Chip is a side character to other people's awkwardness and cringing. You don't get that in a cartoon but you get that in a podacast. In fact, you're laughing at the cringing not at Chippa's jokes.

The hats just add to everyone's cringing and shock. That's why it works. Not because it actually makes Chippa funny but because everyone else gets more uncomfortable which is hilarious.

The idea for the slam is good (prop comic hack) the execution however was that of a dumb house wife. It's that Louis CK theory on holes he mentioned on O&A where they have the simplest form of 1+1 = 2 sense of humor: he's wearing a costume so it must be....halloween! I can't get over the unnecessary child like reference.

Yeah. He gets the Stangels to do it instead.

Oh I can't wait for the next Chip's going to be a doozy.

You get ready for that audio, Braun! We're ready to listen. <3

I just want him to lose his wife and house already so I can stop picking on this sad, sad man.

Wasn't Opie focusing on Halloween a few months ago instead of getting a job or spending time with his kids?

He blew it. It’s worthwhile, taking a shot at the stupid, unnervingly unfunny wigs and hats that Jim wears as Chip, but Opie fumbled the ball.

That's ok, one his 6 teams can pick it up.

He can't even take a shot at someone else being hacky without being a hack. Like it's fawkin Halloween or sumpting...ON CRACK.

The dumbest thing going around is the use of 'dumbest' directly after 'latest'. It is not technically bad English but it looks aesthetically displeasing onscreen.

It is technically bad English because it doesn't precisely convey the intended meaning. If it's the latest thing AND the dumbest thing then he should say: "latest and dumbest thing". Not wanting to be pedantic, but it's just another reason to hate this retard.

I've been listening to old shows recently and heard chip's first appearance which was 12/14/09 and I'm convinced tits knew from the start it was a mockery of him. I've since listened to at least a months worth of shows from the first appearance and every time norton does chip there isnt a fucking peep from opie. Not a word. We all know tits cant keep his mouth shout but the insecure fuck knew it was about him and quietly fumed about it. Its great to listen too

Way to go Op.

Call me stupid, then. I never made the connection and I've been listening to O&A and its associated shows since 1998.


Well clearly what he does works so much better

The level of denial is totally normal for this time of year. It is not the monsoon season where the water level crests the banks of the river and denial floods into the fertile valley of Egypt

double gunz.

It's also way cooler to photograph an obese retarded man while shitting.