Opie eating his boogers is fuckin' gross.

9  2018-01-23 by opiecide

Chip revealing how Tit's would look away while he ate a booger, thinking he was unseen. What a fucking weirdo.


"Words hurt, if you're a pussy... or you ate your own boogers on a show which took pride in uncensored, honest discussion and skirted the issue when it was brought up"

Booger eating is the Achilles Heal of my Gag Reflex.

Well, then I have something to stick in your mouth


I make all the bitches eat my fawkin boogers.

That’s why Ant would make such a huge deal about boogers.

Small mouth, big boogers.

As if his crooked horrific teeth weren't sickening enough.

Ant was easily grossed out by sights and smells because he was violently hung over everyday.

Give me the booger eating guy over the Dick eating guy (Jim) any day. Also, the guy (AntH) who eats hands ain't much better

Opie was about 50 and regularly ate his own boogers in public in front of a half dozen co-workers. He admitted it on air and was likely busted constantly doing it and he still persisted in chowing on the nose candy.

Its not even like, "Yeah, he's an immature pig, but he's really funny and interesting."

Nah dude. He was just a booger eater who talked 5 minutes an hour on a talk show named after him. That is, when he wasn't too busy eating his own boogers.