Compound Media reenacts Cake Stomp.

27  2018-01-22 by RBuddCumia



sad how they can't let this shit go.


He really is lost with Daddy Gregg.

"Fawkin little haterz"

Its kinda annoying they didn't do all this in 2015 at the latest really.

It's embarrassing I ever liked O&A watching what they have become.

Fucking asshole - didn't even give Iseman hundreds of dollars over the years to make up for it.

Good thing he put those plastic bags over his awful dad- Airwalks, wouldn't want those getting messed up

From the Joe Cumia collection.

All in all, a good episode today.

Iseman was overly fauning and unfunny. It's clear he reads this sub so let's make that clear to him, again and again.

A good episode would be Artie dying on camera or Anthony tearfully admitting to having his heart broken by Sue Lightning.

We're all clearly CM subscribers by the immediate responses here. We just hate watch.

'and that's how you executive produce!'

I'm becoming convinced that the reason Anthony wont let Opie shit go, and Jim always does Opie bits when Anthony is around is it's all a desperate attempt to get their dumb irrelevant projects to come up when someone googles "Opie and Anthony"

I watched this show today to see the Artie train wreck. That fucking Matt guy is maybe the most annoying human being on the fucking planet. All he did was say old Opie and Anthony show references. It was embarrassing. Artie called him out and even AntH basically told him to zip it.

This guy's doing my fawkin bit sniff

I loved how Artie was half way out the door

in both ways


Look at KeitH's faggoty lefty hand at 00:03

This is so funny and we are all having fun together.

i like how that one retard yelled "CAKE STOOOOMMMPPP"

yeah nobody watching this drivel would have caught the epic reference

a man in a mooby's shirt. now i've seen it all.

Oh dear

I hate that Matt Iseman guy.

I have Opie, but it is fucking pathetic that Ant still clings to this shit for views. If he and Jim are so happy to be free of Opie, they should shut the fuck up about him.

You have Opie? Where in ya fucking basement or sumting tssssss

Wish he would have slipped and died on that cake.

Classic Keith. Do a stunt when the conversation isn't going anywhere.

Remember this?

Video linked by /u/Peckahnator:

Title Channel Published Duration Likes Total Views
Stinky Makes A Splash (featuring Kevin Corrigan) Compound Media 2015-05-05 0:02:47 90+ (89%) 6,142

Subscribe to The Anthony Cumia Show for the full Two-Hour...

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Stupid faggot didn't even yell greenman .

Little cunt wont even look at him .

It's okay because he's a friend of the show and they gave him tens of dollars afterwards.

"this will get the fans on our side"

Niggas walking around with trash bags on his feet

How is Anthony so stupid that he thinks Keith brings anything but boredom and disaster.

Because he also brings Anthony clean laundry.

He stuck the landing just like the opester

If they are going to spend so much time obsessing over Opie and making fun of him, don’t do his bit and fail to make it as funny as he did. Original cake stomp was funny. This... this was keithy.

We all wish we were Matt Iseman. He’s a fanboy who managed to get inside. He’s to OnA what Jimmy is to Ozzy.

How sad and depressing this whole O&A universe is

Just old men telling old stale jokes about old situations that don't even happen anymore

Just listen to Bonfire and legion of skanks. They may not be the best but at least the healthy, vital energy of youth surrounds those shows

Maybe Opie should re-enact one of Tranth's classic moments

This idea is worse than the original idea of stomping a cake. It's almost as if no one involved with this has no talent or skill.

not funny

I wish Keith would have slipped and broke his fucking hip

With little booties? How cute.


in both ways