Jim was asked if he's spoken to Louie since he got #metoo'd

9  2018-01-22 by Dennyislife

Jim said no.

hiya Matt.


"It's a tough one, man. I could show sympathy to a guy who gave me a credible credit even though I was just the AIDS and Andrea Yates jokes guy. Or I could ignore him and be super woke so maybe Judd hires me when Artie dies."

When Louis returns from this in a few years, he's gonna motherfuck Jim for sure

I hope so.

well the worm turns and he will just say "i didnt hear louis's side of the story and when he told me what happen we left it alone"

What really enraged me was how Sam sensed a controversial question and immediately stepped in to ask Kevin an unrelated question

I noticed on the ads for Basket they removed Louis Jerksoffers name.