Sam Roberts today" Colin Kapearnick was okay, it's not like he was like.....Le Bron."

79  2018-01-22 by WhippingHuskies

He couldn't think of any great QB's to make the comparison, eventually settling on probably the most popular athlete on the planet. He grew up in the era of Montana, Marino, Elway, Manning, Brady, and yet none of those names popped into his mind. But he has an encyclopedic knowledge of grown men fake fighting with cartoonish storylines to reinforce the debauchery. He disgusts even me.


I am starting to suspect that boy might be half a fag.

The sad thing is, I don't think there's a gay bone in his entire being. He's literally a man child.

weird thing is someone posted a clip yesterday where they were making fun of Sam's ethnicity and Sam said he used to date black girls before Jess. Love to see what they looked like.

Yea, I'm sure he "dated" them, by driving them around in his mom's camry to the local bodega to pick up dutch master's, then drop them off before Raw started, where some black kids or local guidos were waiting in their car to get their dicks sucked.

He once said his mom made him break up with the last negress he was with. She feared the girl had a nefarious interest in the family wealth.

The Roberts fortune has been tied up in Adam Bomb action figures for years.

I don't think there is a hetero bone. He's asexual at best.

The place where sexuality goes to die

That reminds me of a Richard Belzer line: "You don't have a funny bone in your body, except for when I'm fucking you up the ass."

What happened to that guy?

I don't know for sure, but I think he still does that Law and Order show.

Perhaps more than that

what's the other half?


Or even if he forgot to make room in his brain for WWE match results, the guy who did color commentary on the NFC game was kind of a big deal in the 90s.

You think he watched the game? Wasn't WrestleMania this weekend?

Kaep is no stone cold, but he could put up some merch numbas.

Kapearnick was the Jessie Ventura of the NFL

that sentence just means nothing.

Sam Roberts desperately needed the beating that his poor faggot son will get in middle school

I dont know man, its a tough one. He was a real motherfucker but also a ssscumbag

kaepernick had like two good years

he's barely above tebow, and far less likable

The best was when people got into heated debates about his skill as a quarterback because it was actually relevant for the social issue. Some black professor in a bow tie was trying to argue for systemic racism by cherry picking sabermetrics. Generally it just shined a giant spotlight on his flameout, which was nice as a seahawks fan.

Sam should leave the sports talk to the professionals.

You can see why WFAN put the feelers out for this imbecile, and it totally wasn't a complete sack of bullshit.

I would listen to Mike and the Opster Show every day.

He was okay, it's not like he was like John Cena.

the most popular athlete on the planet

I and all my fellow Brits take severe exception to this claim. Both Ronaldo and Messi are more popular worldwide!!

Smh. Frankly the US-centric nature of this sub disenfranchises a lot of foreigners from posting here.

Knowing athletes by name is no more masculine than knowing pro wrestlers by name

In both situations, you're a fan because you like watching other men's physical prowess, and then gossiping about them as people between events

Le Bron? Is that some French thing?

He's 8 years old

Nothing worse than fags talking about sports

No Pete Sampras either!!

Kaep was cool and all, but when he turned heel and joined the Nation of Domination, it shocked the entire WWE Universe. Was almost as hard for Sam to stomach as when Hogan turned at Bash at the Beach '96.

Times Up.Jim and Sam show must go.

Lebron isn't the most popular athlete in the planet.

He very well maybe. Messi and Ronaldo and Bron Bron are in a category of their own.

That's not even the same sport. Sam Roberts also grew up in the QB era from the 90s onwards. That's inconceivably ignorant.