Listening to Jim and Sam talk about sports is the most embarrassing thing I've ever heard..

5  2018-01-22 by WhippingHuskies

As someone who stopped following sports outside of Fighting and occasional soccer game, it's one of the saddest things I've ever heard listening to these guys talk about sports or even try to pretend they like them. They made Jim Florentine seem like a genius by comparison.


Soccer game... HaHaHa... go suck some cock Faggot!

I'm sure you're a real tough guy. Oh shit my bad, your username ends in 666, this dude is hardcore. Watch out guys, we got a real badass here.

Ah leave him alone.. the only time shit for brains, obese white americans get a burst of adrenaline is watchin genetic freak, ex slave negroes, that hate their country tryin to kill each other over a ball....

As opposed to you, who gets an adrenaline rush whenever one of his thousands of twitter accounts gets blocked.

I want to believe you called them "that" to dehumanize and productize them and not because you have problems with the English language.

English is my second language

Can you actually speak Celtic Welsh?

Lol no.. I was just yankin your chain.. I can speak a little, but you forget it cuz no one speaks it

Probably because W isn't a fucking vowel.

Dude they cram in W's Y's and LL's everywhere.... Double L is actually it's own letter in welsh

HaHaHa... Soccer.. HaHa. Don't let your Soccer friends find out you are making fun of the religious leanings of Satanists... Faggot.

He follows the temple of set

Have Jim or Sam ever played sports as kids? That has to fuck a kid up more than monster rain

Jim was forced to play Little League and was terrible and was yelled at. Sam would even be turned down by the Special Olympics.

Jim claims to have played lil league baseball, where he was the butt of all jokes, and was given consolation playing time when his parents complained.

Hell no, Jim was too busy getting shit faced & smoking crack back then.

Is Asteroids a sport?

Hell yeh

Samuel was too busy being a Judge in junior court or whatever the fuck it was. Horrible little shit

I love how Jim was such a diehard Yankees and Cowboys fan until he got into UFC, now can't watch them. WTF does that have to do with anything? They rarely schedule shows against sporting events because they start at 10pm Eastern. Just Westcoast regular season baseball games (and basketball and hockey but he doesn't like those.)

Jim was a fan of the Lakers, Yankees, and Cowboys, despite being a lifelong NJ, later NY resident. That should settle what kinda sports fan he is. Much like how Opie tried in vain, for many years to pretend to be some sports guy, eventually revealing he was a fan of 3 teams from the same conference, and couldn't name a single player from various teams he claimed to have followed. To his credit, he jut came out of his TV closet and revealed he has the same entertainment fandom of a fat Midwestern unhappily married nurse.

Listening to Ron pretend to be an expert on basketball is just as cringeworthy