Jim and Sam spent the first 30+ minutes talking about the NFL anthem protests

73  2018-01-22 by greeneyedunicorn2

Truly they have the pulse of the nation. 3 months later.


Was it even an issue last night? I watched both games and did not see anything.

No, pats and eagles were both out of the controversy all season.

That's just because the Jags are owned by London thru some money laundering scheme and Belichick & Brady made a deal with the devil 20 years ago so they want as little controversy as possible

Jags are owned by some Bin Laden looking mug

Shad Khan looks like he owns a used Bugatti dealership.

Why not a Boogvolkswagen or sumthin


GO Patriots!!!

GO Eagles!!!

or whatevs, dont GO!!! STAY!!! - I have no idea what is this all about.

Grown men dress up in tights and safety gear so they can fondle each other while one guy throws an egg. Somehow this is considered manly and is called "football" despite not playing with a ball and rarely using their foot to make contact with it.

Hot take.

Hey - he doesn’t think football players are tough, that must mean he is ultra tough and super masculine!!! You better stay out of his way!!!

I looked it up on Wikipedia because I was curious as well, and apparently it's called "football" because America used Nukes in anger against one island and we can do it to your island too you tea slurping faggot.

Huh, TIL.

Psst... Refer to the game as "handegg". That's always a scream.

American soccer?

Out of all the things they could talk about, that’s what they choose to discuss? What idiots, that wasn’t even an issue with either game. I could see spending a half hour talking about what animals the Philly fans are, on funny show that could be comedy gold or if they wanted to just talk sports they had a lot of material there to discuss especially the Patriots game but no they talked about the National Anthem protests. It’s no wonder I never listen or even consider listening anymore, the show sucks & there is no saving it.

Or just mentioning how the refs have been under scrutiny for both playoff games with th pats.

Exactly, that’s what I’m talking about. Those two goofs are clueless between Sam’s favorite “sport” being scripted fake wrestling & Jimmy’s obsession with tranny’s & bizarrely adapting the Dallas Cowboys as his favorite team, I’d expect nothing less than nonsense for these clowns. But if Jim was still funny, I’d think they’d be able to riff on out of control Eagles fans for a half an hour, especially with all the content on social media displaying drunken Philly guys acting wild.

Jim got work out on all athletes when the yankees motherfucked him at that Jeter charity benefit.

Jim Norton is such a creep while at the same time being a little girl when it comes to autographs among other things. Jeter looked that mutant had no clue who he was & said fuck no, I’m not taking a picture with this weirdo. I’m so happy he got shot down by Jeter, I imagine Jimmy had the eyes of a love staved groupie & Jeter said fuck this “no way”. The worse part is Jimmy’s public response to the rejection, so embarrassing why would he go on a rant like that.

He already had the picture. He wanted Jeter to autograph a picture of the two of them together. How gay.

He also said the Yankees were sccccccumbags because he's always nice to his fans and signs for them. Then later defending how great he is at having his camera and pen ready for them he obliviously talks about how he refused to talk to a fans nephew on the phone at that same event.

Oh shit I somehow forgot that he already got the picture with Jeter & it was all about the autograph, fucking Jimmy should be beaten into a coma. What a complete embarrassment Jimmy is, Anthony is & Opie has always been, they are every weird guy who awkwardly tried to hard to fit into your crew of friends but we’re never accepted because of all their odd shit.


The Cowboys were on TV all the time when he was a kid and the Giants and Jets sucked. Tons of people his age are like that. They're gay fags.

We’re not animals, we’re misunderstood.

Not judging, I’m actually envious of the eagles fanbase reputation.

How did they not talk about the city of Philadelphia had to lube all their light poles down with crisco so those animals wouldn't climb them if the Eagles won?

Instead they took a page out of Ants book and went political with it.

It is amazing, of all the topics to go with those knuckleheads waste it on a completely unfunny non-topic. Opie would be proud of that ork today. Nobody fucking cares about the kneeling at this point, I don't even think anyone has kneeled the past couple months.

Tomorrow they should talk about Ted Williams, the homeless man with the golden radio voice

Im gonna buy you a Luis Vuittooonnn!

it turns out that homeless people are generally homeless because of extremely severe, ugly, unpleasant mental illnesses, regardless of why they've been burdened with it, and that feeding them money and hugs will not fix their profoundly fucked up brains

everyone stopped paying attention when it got uncomfortably clear that homelessness is ugly and intimately tied to mental illness, abuse, and general nasty disadvantage

Hi mommy hi mommy hi mommy hi mommy hi mommy hi mommy

I love you mommy

Black people like repeating words.


Jim of COURSE went onto a sex tirade of wanting to know all the details of Kevin's sex stuff with his wife. Wow he cannot go a day without this topic

He's like Stavros Halkias. A closeted homosexual who doesn't fuck, so he obsessively brings it up.

Kevin who?

Next up in sports: Was the 1919 World Series rigged?

I’m willing to bet that one of the focal points of the discussion was Gronk, wasn’t it? Gronk is the only football player on Sam’s radar and it’s only because he did a spot at Wrestlemania last year, so he always looks to namedrop Gronk during any football discussion

Does he still talk about his eggs or his ride into work everyday? I stop listening because he is so dumb that it's enraging.

Let me guess: Jim said it was a tough one then sucked his teeth and Sam agreed with the black rapper.

deep thinkers like J&S need time to piece it all together.

Jim loves that "Who told you you could WORK WITH MEN?!" Pacino drop from 'Glengarry Glen Ross', but it perfectly encapsulates the absurdity of him being on the UFC's payroll

No one cares about the gay national anthem, that was a nonsense issue raised to rile up the hillbillies, rubes, yahoos and dolts who get all pissy-eyed over the military. There are two things killing the NFL right now. One, the games stop every four minutes for endless "replay reviews" where a bunch of imbeciles need an eternity to decide if the ball touched the ground or not and two, the same team wins the SB every year and it bores everyone else to tears.

Grown men dress up in tights and safety gear so they can fondle each other while one guy throws an egg. Somehow this is considered manly and is called "football" despite not playing with a ball and rarely using their foot to make contact with it.

Shad Khan looks like he owns a used Bugatti dealership.

Hell yeah dude

Oh shit I somehow forgot that he already got the picture with Jeter & it was all about the autograph, fucking Jimmy should be beaten into a coma. What a complete embarrassment Jimmy is, Anthony is & Opie has always been, they are every weird guy who awkwardly tried to hard to fit into your crew of friends but we’re never accepted because of all their odd shit.

Why not a Boogvolkswagen or sumthin
