Jim Norton coming to SE Michigan this Friday. This place has great steak. Anyone going?

2  2018-01-22 by A_Friendly_Creeper


It's no Ford Field or Fox Theater, but it will do piggy.

Jim photographs poorly

I was gonna see him in Grand Rapids, but didn't want to pay $35 for a kinda shitty seat. Also didn't think I could handle his giant fake smile live.

I know, but I really want to see him live one day and try to ask him questions about Opie, this sub, Sam, etc.

Great steak? Too bad its not Bob Kelly

How's the Italian food in this restaurant?

It's real good. I was there for a wedding reception years ago.

(it was a Godfather reference. I've been there before)

Let's go see Jim Norton together.


Maybe friendships from the OnA sub can be a real thing.

Ew, no.

k :(

Andiamo.. more like

we're NOT going.. amirite?!

Bob Kelly will show up with an open mouth and an empty wallet

I know, but I really want to see him live one day and try to ask him questions about Opie, this sub, Sam, etc.