What's the deal with Anthony's shirts??

20  2018-01-22 by SHITLORD_CUNTDICK



The mods are doing a great job...NOT!

Hahaha Shaw! get the net!

Nice post, but I think it would be better suited for the latest [ANYTHING GOES] {Free-For-All) Megathread.

I just now realized that the point of that retarded thread every week is some way to keep the "off topic" stuff in one thread.


I got banned a while ago for repeatedly going after him. The ban was lifted when I offered to blow all of the mods. I never made good on that.

Lambchop checking in, thanks for the warning.

How the fuck is it that Toolman is overruling every single other mod, and every poster her? Literally nobody but him wants all this bullshit moderation.

Where the fuck did this queer even come from? Looking at his post history, he likes Star Wars, the state of Indiana, shitty tv shows and fucking video games.

The show is dead. On a good day the best on topic material we get is grandpa complaining that they put black people in his video games.

I do not understand Reddit enough to understand rule number 2.

What the fuck does it meeeaaan?

He's a tool, man

I agree completely. I had an absolutely hilarious post about what faggots the Brits are and it got taken down. I don't know who did it, but I'd love to blame this ToolMan fella you speak of

Wow removed.