“It’s not wrestling, it’s sports entertainment.”

23  2018-01-22 by simbad_reb

Sam is a troll doll looking manchild.


u/TheToolMan, comment?

I hate people who try to change terms that are perfectly accurate and not prjorative at all for no reason other than there are people who say negative things about them. Secretary didn't need to become personal assistant, liberal didn't need to become progressive. It's a whiny way to attempt to change simple, objective reality. It's pathetic and it exposes how emotionally weak you are.

There's actually a historic and fairly brilliant reasoning behind it but Sam doing it is just to protect his job because he's terrible.

Wasn't it just Vince McMahon doing it to get out of paying athletic commission taxes?

Not just the taxes but the general involvement of athletic commissions.

Under the legislation, the state's Athletic Control Board would no longer license wrestlers, promoters, timekeepers and referees. The wrestlers would no longer be required to take physical examinations before an exhibition. -New York Times, 1989

It's the other way around, kinda. Progressives in the US took the "liberal" moniker and tainted the word a hundred years ago. If they're now releasing the word from their stranglehold again, good.

Doesn't change the fact that it was only done because so many of them are weak and just wanted to force a moral high ground by being able to call out their opponents simply for using the word.

Also paki. Used to be a totally neutral word, then started frequently being used with "fucking" in front of it, so babies demanded that no one can ever use the word in any context otherwise they get to call them a bigot. They tried to change liberal just so they could pretend to win arguments by saying "see how ignorant you are? I win. Nyah nyah."

Besides, nobody alive now knows anyone who's currently going around promoting the New Deal, similar to how nobody knows a fascist who's currently living in 1930s Italy. It's ok for time to change the definitions of words. What stinks is when manipulative assholes force a new word when the meaning didn't change.

British faggot. We don't need "paki" in America. We have "nigger."

Every man must decide whether he will walk in the light of creative altruism or in the darkness of destructive selfishness.


Like Ant and Gavin claiming they’re not alt right?

Also a good example. More whiny babies trying to take away people's ability to label them accurately. Just because they wanna.

Well said.

He's a company man

Did this fucking faggot really say this recently?

That old, tired line has been mocked for about 10 years now even by WWE fans.

It's a wrestling company that does shitty wrestling but pretends to not be a wrestling company. Okay, you're sports entertainment? Then erase every single aspect of Wrestling from the show if you don't need it so much. Go on, let's see what you former football players got without that shit to rest on. It would just be heinous stand up comedy.

Sam, in general, is faggot when it comes to wrestling. He acts like he knows way more than he does when the cocksucker only watches WWE.

Watching wrestling makes you a faggot by default. Gatekeeping about wrestling is just sad, though.

Sam you bald headed fag blow me

You're too old let go it's over

Nobody listens to radiooo

Literally no one that isn't receiving a WWE paycheck of some kind has ever used the term "Sports Entertainment" except to make fun of it.

It's like the crazy rich rich man in the village who decides to start paying everyone around him to refer to apples as 'oranges'.

I mean, they'll do it for the money... but as soon as Vince dies, that expression dies with him. HHH is bringing back "Pro Wrestling" unless he's contractually bound not to by McMahon, even posthumously.

It is softcore gay porn

Men groping each other in their underwear is Gay Entertainment.

So is dog fighting, doesn't make it acceptable in any way.

I hate that saying because if it's sports entertainment then wtf is the figure four leg lock....a wrestling move, suplex......wrestling, frogsplash.....wrestling wrestling wrestling don't try to bullshit me