Bob Kelly is a whale. Yes, I know that is unfunny, unoriginal, and adds absolutely nothing to the sub. But it's on topic so it's allowed.

36  2018-01-22 by SpitItoutSocrates

spits on u/TheToolMan


He's not funny at all, never was.

He's a really good actor and I like when he's in stuff, I loved him on Louie. That's my two scent's. (Tss, whattya smellin me er sumpthin?)

We can't all have a great podcast like "Live from the 405"

It's certainly better than "Ya Know What, Dude."

(But certainly not better than Brain On The Brink. I mean, cmon.)

It's certainly better than "Ya Know What, Dude."

It's not. You suck.

Watch out for THIS "cool dude," guys!

that's generally how I feel about him too.

In comedy he has either the mimicry of the CQ formula [insert "really" and say either (1) an obscure nation + occupation or (2) a middle-school insult and add ", stupid'] crutch or Seinfeld('s stand-up)-style observational shit about fat" crutch...

most the comics I love have at least 3 other crutches. That plus Bawby has an arrogance to talent ratio close to (but still miles away from) Opie.

but he is excellent in Louie

He was the first professional comedian I ever saw bomb. He opened for Jimmy at my college in like 2002 and Bob just fucking ate his balls in the student assembly theater thing. It was so uncomfortable, his jokes and bits were so goddamn bad. Id only been to a handful of stand up shows at that point ever, I didn't know that like...happened.

Was he doing Vos’s material?

Sue Lightning is less of a bitch than ToolMan (show reference, still on topic)

he's more of a bitch than Fez

and thats saying something

i’m still not tired of the whale comparisons tbh

bob kelly has a whale-sized body (it's much bigger than a normal, healthy body)

The tool man is a good Mensch. I've seen him on PTP.

haha that faggot watches wrestling too.

And TLC go.

Moby Duuuuudeee

The mod still fucking everyone?

It's certainly better than "Ya Know What, Dude."

It's not. You suck.

Watch out for THIS "cool dude," guys!