Mods Continue to be Faggot Supreme

16  2018-01-22 by crookedmile



Put a Bob Kelly reference in the title and I guess that makes it "sub relevant". Fuck Toolman and *SpaceEdge, little dicksuckers should leave the modding to someone who actually occasionally posts here.

You know what dude you got your moderators, your abuse of power, your arbitrary decisions....

It wasn't deleted. It's still up.

Scroll down a bit. What. The. Fuck.

That's fucked up. I thought i just had a really old tab open because i was seeing all these posts from weeks ago

Thought my app was fucked. Was seeing 2 week old posts on the new section

Post more topless pics.

Power hungry faggots taking out their shit on the sub. Not all of them of course, but especially SpaceEdge. Feel better now, big man?

Reddit mods are the most worthless cocksuckers in existence.

but especially SpaceEdge.

ToolMan is worse. Braun posted the mod logs, and ToolMan is the one who has been doing all the mass deleted of posts.

I stand corrected. What a peesa garbage.

When the Cumia bros inevitably sue this place for harassment, everyone point your fingers at u/SpaceEdge as the ringleader. Hopefully they bankrupt him and he freezes to death outside of whatever shitty mobile home park he gets evicted from.

nice life you got there where this matters to you at all

The fuck does that fat woman have anything to do with the O&A universe or anyone associated with it's spinoffs?

Jim and Sam discussed her weight on their show you tard.

Why do you think a mod here would know anything about the show?

Jim and Sam discussed her weight on their show you retard.

u/TheToolMan, far looser connections than that have been left up. If you don't listen to the show anymore, maybe you're not the best fit to mod here.

I just assumed that fat whores were fair game here.



it was discussed on Jim & Sam you uninformed control freak. I see posts about PC politics on here all the time that have nothing to do with the show. does deleting shit give you some kind of power trip? I honestly cant see the point.

Political posts are always deleted.

Removing posts has nothing to do with control. Reddit is a a topic-based forum. There are other subreddits for those posts.

Didja hear that everybody? This is about law and order. Sheriff Toolman here is just doing the Lord's work, assuring that off-topic posts don't appear on the subreddit of a show that persistently went off-topic. Keep it strictly to the O&A universe and everybody can have fun, right gang?


Dickhead, this is a sub for an old radio show that no one gives a shit about. Who the FUCK cares what's "on topic"? Who even determines that? Your job is to make sure the sub doesn't get banned, not swing your dick around like you're Wyatt Earp.

Also, policing the sub like this is waaay more work for you, so why would you want to do it? No one on the sub wants it.

You're quite a tool.

Nobody cares about O&A, we're here to roleplay having friends.

Ants people maybe reporting everything they can

As much as I agree over-modding is fucking gay, removing inane posts about shit that has nothing to do with the reason we're all subscribed to this subreddit is fine in my book. But go ahead - post another hilarious British post you low hanging fruit retards.

Has nothing to do with this sub. This isn't a off topic subreddit.

Go suck a dick.

J&S talked about her weight on their fucking show dummy.

this idiot is most likely a fat piece of shit like her. Had to remove it because it hurt his feelings.

Go fuck yourself. If it was discussed on the show, it's not off-topic.