Haiti is a beautiful country, civilians.

31  2018-01-22 by FlashVirus


Ha, ha! He is like Jimmy Kimmel. Too bad I am asleep when they are both on because I have a fucking job to wake up and go to in the morning to MAGA

Good for you, pede.

Check out this baste black shithole, fellow pedes!


"I don't understand! This small portion of the only beach resort in haiti was wonderful! I didn't see anything bad"

he had to go deep into the water not to catch any shit in the frame.

I can never see any of these tweets


There's probably scenic views in North Korea if you look for them

I’ve been to Haiti. There are some parts that are truly beautiful, as he says, but they are the remote and natural.

Sure, but this is just for him to go “see, how could this ever be a shithole? Drumpf is so dumb”

No, it isn’t. Because he knows it’s a shit hole. It’s so other people think he thinks it’s not a shit hole. He’s pretending. It’s what the left does. They pretend and make you pretend you agree with their pretend games. I hate them.

Conan is gonna get some pussy white liberals killed with this. They will see this special and think I’m gonna virtue signal by planning my next vacation there too and then they will get raped, robbed and murdered in no particular order.

You mean the parts without black people?

I suppose. I meant the parts without any people, even me as a white devil flashing greenbacks, as in just the land and natural beauty of some of those southwestern peninsula bays. But yeah, obviously the society there is in shambles and is one of the poorest, most desperate places on earth.

Haiti is a whole ball of wax that I could babble on about endlessly, so I’ll leave it at, yes it’s a shithole, but it’s a shithole with a fascinating history and culture and a complex relationship with the US and the rest of the world.

I’ve met some cool, productive Haitians in NYC and Miami who talk endless shit about how much of a shithole Haiti is, but I think it’s one of those “only we can say it” things that sucks, but whatever, they’re Haitians so throw ‘em a bone.

anyone who says haiti is anything but fucked is either

  1. So afraid of getting called a racist or nationalistic they just say whatever they think is the most socially acceptable.

  2. So furious at said precieved boogeyman racists and nationalists that they literally no longer care about maintaining anything resembling an objective view of reality

In the case of conan, Ill choose to believe that this is some attempt to show haiti as a tourist destination, which is, at this point, theyre only hope to combat their 70%+ unemployment. Currently the other 30% has jobs courtesy of various american funded projects and of course tariff free exports to america of whatever they can pull out of the ground. The capital is a warzone, with several americans getting robbed/kidnapped/murdered on their way from the airport to the resorts outside of the city. (the murder rate is still lower than st louis usa funnily enough)

TL:DR; haiti sucks. it sucked before the earthquakes, it sucks slightly worse after the earthquakes. It sucks hard for haitians, it sucks decently bad if your a retarded volunteer or a middle income tourist, its pretty ok for conan o brien.


That's the absolute best you could make Haiti look at a vacation resort and you see a paper shack and garbage in the background.


2 percent of Haitians have AIDS, 50 percent of Haitians practice voodoo, the average Haitian makes less than 3 dollars a day and there's been 4 military coups in 30 years. Its a shithole.

Have you thought of putting a paywall for your posts?

After he finds an obese junkie cohost

Sure when you are looking out to sea

conan got lost

He's been a faggot since that #TeamCoco horseshit

He says, as he conveniently takes a shot as far away from the locals as possible.

i bet that place has a 10 mile perimeter and live weapons

Last I checked Conan was the only late night guy that hadn't jumped on this train. Sad to see he's given in.

No, he jumped on this train years ago unfortunately, just with no viewership. He really missed out on what should have been his calling, the only remaining irreverent late night host.

He's the fucking Casey Jones of the train of trainables.

Andy Richter is married to one of the worst feminist harridans on Twitter. He's been full cuck for a while now. It's fucking insufferable.

That explains his addiction to gay porn.

I hear about Conan O'Brien, but I haven't seen Conan O'Brien since Jay Leno stuck his thick Italian cock in Conan's mouth.

he has a national late night television show on TBS and the slogan for TBS is 'very funny' so by law Conan is extremely funny hahah look at how stupid you look now


I think he meant youtube clips

Behind the camera is his personal armed security team

There are other photos of him with his staff for the shoot - he had three Haitian police and one white guy who looked like he just quit Delta a week ago. He went no where near regular Haiti without a fire team covering him.

Eh my name is regular Conan. I got my buttered roll, my container of coffee, go to the jobsite, check in with my three haitian police officers and Delta white guy. I'm just like everyone else

What do i care about this Clinton Foundation muckety muck? Six billion bucks of one, half a dozen kilo Gold of the other....

I wish Conan didn't turn into such a pandering faggot.

kim jong conan reaching north korean tier levels of propaganda and dishonesty with his tour of haiti. maybe he’ll so a super advanced school classroom full of unplugged computers from 2003.

I visited a small part of Haiti very briefly. I was on a cruise when I was 13 and the ship stopped there for an afternoon. We did some hiking and them some emaciated decrepit locals tried to sell us their low quality art. I felt bad and tried to convince myself the art was good and "ethnic". I spent about $40 dollars there. Years later, a friend from college who worked on a cruise ship for a year told me that those locals were hired by the cruise ship. Essentially, the cruise directors agree to bring tourists to them, and in return, the cruise directors get the vast majority of the money that the tourists give to the locals.

righteous bucks

$40 dollars

Anyone seen The Serpent and the Rainbow? It's Haiti as a horror movie and yes, it seems a shithole.

Can't wait to see his sweet insta of a dirt cookie

Am I the only one who thinks this is sarcastic?

I mean you can see some kind of refugee camp on the right


He's in the only place where it's safe because he knows they can't swim.

I hear cholera is wonderful this time of year.

Conan is a typical limousine liberal Harvard rich kid.

I miss when Conan was just a barbarian.

It probably would be if not for all the filthy Haitians

"BREAKING -- Millionaire tv host enjoys his stay at five-star tropical resort."

Wow, If a conservative did this they would be raked over the coals for the white "1%" privilege.

I wonder if Conan will try the local food, like mud cookies.

I don't know when Conan became such a basic bitch faggot, but I don't like it. Perhaps he always was.

Hope he gets hep C ,swimming I'm that poop water.

Nobody in Haiti will ever read that tweet, since they're all illiterate

What a pale, weak, sickly cuck

That explains his addiction to gay porn.