Big A

38  2018-01-22 by Bakersfield__Chimp


Of every bit player in the O&Aiverse, I hate Big A the most. I can’t explain it, I try to be open minded and compassionate, but he just rubs me the wrong way.

Yeah fuck him, the stuttering was never funny anyway

And I’m convinced it’s 80% bullshit, the stuttering.

All you have to do is look at him to realize it's not bullshit. The man is a ghoul.

I believe he is a stuttering freak and a ghoul, but I think he plays up the stuttering a lot, for the show.

"No shit"

He's probably the creepiest, physically, for me. Twitchels was the worst, and Danny.

At least those guys came and went. This Big A has staying power—I can see him inheriting the Compound and Keith in a few years.

he has nowhere else to go.

S..s...s..St.. St.. statistics s...say that African Americans c..c..c....commit a a a dis....disspp... Disp..proportionate amount of c..c..c..crime

He rubs a lot of people the wrong way from the looks of him

He bugs me because he thinks he's above the likes of bobo.

Oh does he ever. His video at the compound with cunt No Filter Paul mocking and harassing Bobo like THEY were the cool kids at the freak party. Made me sick it did.

im sure he's not faking his speech thing. but i'll never shake the suspicion.

He was great on Ron and Fez, but I agree, never liked him on O&A.

He is the most autistic person I've ever seen

I'm not sure how to feel about Big A. I feel bad for him for his speech impediment, and I guess he seems like a nice guy.

On the other hand he hangs off of Ant like a remora, worse than anyone else. Worse than even Bobo. Which means he's either a huge sycophant, or maybe he's just lonely, which in his case isn't hard to imagine.

I think the decent thing to do is to assume he's a nice guy. So I'm gonna go ahead and assume the opposite and hate him.

a lot of these guys have a face for radio if ya catch what I'm saying folks!

Are you saying they’re not attractive gentlemen, hehe?

Yep except for that twink rob

This set up is so much more entertaining than Jim and Sam. Even with creepy Big A.

Yeah, they're actually making jokes instead of pontificating on the news or trying to be Larry King.

Tons of opie bashing right off the bat

or the base or sumthin


I've heard vague references before, but I guess it's confirmed Opie literally eats his boogies. That should give us hyenas some new fodder for 20 years.

Ant mentioned this two years ago with the walking on greggshells video


Big A? Looks like this will be an audio listen for me

just tape a piece of paper over his screen portion

I like how chips talking about Christine getting her head and tits cut off and sam is not smiling, but Big A is laughing.

its a nervous laugh because for a second he thought chippah could read his mind

Greatest Opie bashing these pussies have done so far.

I’m not familiar with what they are referencing. Did something happen lately? Looking at opie’s twitter but I can’t read this dogshit

Someone asked him about chip, and he replied “is that even still a thing”. Fans then kindly pointed out that chip gets 10x the retweets and likes than he does and we all had a good laugh.

Haha that’s funny. Thanks for the update! I knew it was something like that

I love that we are the virtual equivalent to schoolyard bullies for the defunct members of the O&A show. The best part is that they're all so self absorbed, they plow thru their own beatings and continue to spiral into a bed of failure.

I compiled all the recent references/bashings along with the tweets or clips they're talking about so they'll make sense without having to do extra work. I'll finish it this week.

good boi, make sure to tweet it to opie

I've heard vague references before, but I guess it's confirmed Opie literally eats his boogies. That should give us hyenas some new fodder for 20 years.

It's not really funny or entertaining anymore. Now I can't help but view it as pathetic and cowardly when they had years to do it to his face but they didn't because they are all pussy phonies.

That's true but I'll never not appreciate a good tit bashing

Kinda like this sub.

"It's not really funny or entertaining anymore."

And you're in this sub becaaauuusseeeeee??????

After last week's dud it was nice to laugh again. Those Opie slams were brutal brothaman. I got PTOD.

No one really laughs at this shit do they? I watched a little over 8 minutes. Jim Norton is embarking to watch as himself or Chip.

I can't fast forward through that guitar lady fast enough.

more like SLOW forward.


I never looked it up but I'm assuming none of the listening audience likes that annoying shit.

she should do them topless.

Was going to skip this, but if the Opie bashing is to be believed, I'm ALL IN.

is this the most unwatchable episode yet

Lot of great Opie bashing in this. I guess they taped this the day Opie tweeted that Chip diss.

With Sam in, Big A is only the 2nd weirdest looking man in that studio.

Sam could easily be Big A's younger brother.

Ugh, a dumb disgusting inarticulate sweaty slob at the bottom - and Big A

I have never listened to any O and A clips featuring big so this is my first introduction to him. Is he retarded? Not even trying to be funny, what the fuck is wrong with him? Is his mic turned all the way down? I couldn't hear a single thing he said the entire episode

He has a stutter and is generally a nervous guy, but no he's not retarded.

He was once in a sham greencard marriage with a trindadian broad or something. She's presumed dismembered

How did they score an interview with Frankenstein's monster

Ant has connections

Most of the things they are calling out Opie for doing, also apply to Bobby Kelly, the burping, YKWD dude listeners know what i'm talking about.

Bobby gets a pass from being in constant pain due to speed boats always hitting his back.

I know we hate Jim and Ant right now, but this episode had the best Opie bashings on record so far. Rapid fire, one after another. It's an important thing to laugh at if you're J&A AND it makes Sam Roberts completely uncomfortable. Turns him into a squirming gaylord. It was vurry good.

retards are like cool

This was a good episode, end of story...


just tape a piece of paper over his screen portion


Ant has connections