So is O&A meant to be boring and unfunny?

0  2018-01-22 by luclucman

Listening to old clips, I noticed there's simply no entertainment. There's plenty of awkwardness and acting like they don't want to be there, but zero effort put into bits. They're rude and negative, sooo original.

The long Homer laugh and "boo" audio clips are an absolute riot. These two bit assholes don't compare to Stern.


Ohpee... And... An... Tony... Are very... Funny... People.... .............. ...aprel falls

Speaking of boring and unfunny...

I'm just chippin ya babe.

I liked Stern too, but not really for the wacky bits, which often bombed or dragged on too long.

"The long Homer laugh and "boo" audio clips are an absolute riot."

Thank Tits for those button mashing laughs. "NOISE MAKES HA-HA, RIGHT GUYS?!"


You sir by comparison are a laugh riot. Thanks for contributing.

((( /u/luckucman )))

This post is quality entertainment, thank you.

Like a lot of people, I started listening because of the great comic guests. Opie hardly contributed to those. But whenever I've tried listening to shows without guests, and they're just left with the chemistry between the hosts, it fucking sucked because Opie was basically the central point.

These two bit assholes don't compare to Stern.

It's not about them. It's about the comics. That's the difference. Stern is a radio show and O&A inadvertently invented the podcast--it's just they did it on radio.

But, your critique is about as insightful as a pre-teen complaining that a film is boring because it's in black and white.

Listen to the great bits they did, like black vs nazi cab, supershows, all the bobo and david stuff, homeless shopping sprees, there is tons of great content.

All the shit mustache bits, all that shit.

Present-day Stern is the absolute gold standard of unlistenable talk radio. I would sooner listen to a bro-roast on Opie Radio.