That's not my mom! THAT'S NOT MY MOM!

23  2018-01-21 by HugsMcbear


The amount of pleasure I get from seeing retards get all wound up is sickening. I honestly hate the mentally challenged so fucking much.

What's this from? I'm out of the loop.

Bobo went on the Jim and opie Roberts show. The topic of his gofundme fraud came up and he said my mother does not lie so like 10 guys called in saying they were his mom. Bobo went bezerk.

Bobo gets really worked up when his family are mocked or used to goof on him with.. I was listening to the show where bobo is gonna see his brother for the first time in 20+ years and it somehow got twisted into bobo is gonna have sex with his brother, which I believe then got turned into bobo was raped by his brother, and he gets really wound up and mad every time it's said, just like on this clip

This is pretty crazy, but that is the first time I've been able to watch a full segment from their show. Bobo has not surpassed Jim

Bobo could easily smash Jim with a simple it's not for a shitty cartoon, alroyt!

Anyone would think he's retarded or sumthin.

Just imagining the stench of stale shit and puss ridden cellulite fatty deposit odor makes me sick.

Easily the funnist thing on this show in months.

Balding Bobo is surreal and depressing

Fuck. I thought that was Eugene Mirman

Bobo is a tard but he knows how to act it up for tha bit.

I came out of my moms vragina