Happy Sunday gang!

0  2018-01-21 by WhippingHuskies

Hope you guys have a most wonderful day.


Got the grill going, got the wife and kids by my side, yellow lab by my feet, gonna watch some football. Yeah swingin' a hammer 10 hours a days tough but this is why we do it.

If you're being serious, then good on you buster. If not, enjoy your Sunday anyhow.

I thought it was dropping hammers.

I had a massive shit this morning. The cheeky bastard wouldn't come out for 15 mins but I knew he was there. Eventually he fell out in a giant red and brown pile and I was so relived.

: )

Oh knickers, you devil, you. I would assume the red in your feces was a result of your alternative lifestyle. But hey, more power to the queer in the new year.

No I've had enough up me anus so anything up to and including the girth of a tin of Pepsi should fit fine.

I think me shit was sideways or something.

Eat some lentil soup for a smooth shit. With a side salad with no dressing and some leafy green veggies as well.

Is this the actual knickers? The Brazilian rent boy?

I am a gay man so you must be thinking of someone else.

That's what said

I had the best weekend of my life drinking at Kentucky bourbon distilleries.

As soon as I pulled back up to my house, I feel like a miserable piece of shit again.

Damn. Hope you feel better, man. Don't sweat it and begin the week off well dude.

I think I'm going to call in sick at Panera tomorrow. I don't want to pass my bad vibes on to the freshly made asiago cheese bagels.

BRAHAHAHA. You'll be okay man. I was literally hungover for work everyday for the last decade, granted I was drunk the whole time, regardless, don't get down on yourself, friend. You're a good huevo.

My favorite jerk-off parlor was busted last night which sucks because I wanted to go there today.
Guess I'll just yank my prick at home after eating KFC.

That actually sounds like a lovely evening. What you ordering from KFC? I'd always order a 18 piece bucket for Fri night. I miss KFC.

Four dishes of gravy and napkins


Oh knickers, you devil, you. I would assume the red in your feces was a result of your alternative lifestyle. But hey, more power to the queer in the new year.