Muslims destroyed your country.

11  2018-01-21 by naziniggerfaggot



and the mayor of your capitol city is a shitskin that hates you.

What do brits have to say about having a muslim mayor, seriously?

To be fair, the 'brits' don't have a sand moulinyan as mayor.

Only the retards in londonistan

It doesn't affect anyone outside London.

I live in a 95% white area in Manchester.

The only darkies I come into contact with are at work (the finance sector seems to enjoy having a chocolate hellhole* for a work environment here in England.)

*Registered trademark of Colin Faggerty

oh yeah? Well the PRESIDENT of the United States has ORANGE skin! Drumffg! Draumpphhhggggmpg!

Im so insane and up my own ass that I can’t come up with cogent criticisms so I just point out slight physical quirks and make fun of family names that were changed at some point.

You alright, pal?

I wasn't aware