Let's play a game. It's called London or anywhere in the middle east?

55  2018-01-21 by TinKnockinMoroccan


Nah..that is Stockholm...or Paris....honestly any Western Europe city.. Poland,Hungary,Czech republic,Slovakia,Baltic states .....all safe from this ''bio-waste''

Cause nobody wants to move to those shitholes.

OH ..buddy ... everyday cuck-Europe gets browner and shittier. 2020 ..white people will make exodus to white parts of Europe . I will let 2 girls live in my house and 1 strong german work on my car ... soooon

The countries you mentioned aren't white. Slavs are landlocked Irish. The men drink themselves to death and the women come to America as mail order brides. You wouldn't even know if those countries collapsed because every building is still demolished from WW2.

aren't white ?!?!?! You MUST be Amerimutt. men drink themselves to death?----fooken IMPOSIBE . mail order brides---tiny dicked Americunts buy a green card for some Russian whore ...i see no problem. US girls are whales, SJW lesbians or Siquandas

Being pink from too much vodka doesn't make you white. Nor does dying at 55.

You have a point about mail order brides. I don't understand why American men would buy a green card for a some hungarian 3. But the fact remains, the women are leaving slavic countries in droves because all of the men have drunk themselves into impotence or an early grave.

Hungarians are not Slavs. It's a common misconception.

You're confusing Eastern (Orthodox/Muslim) Slavs with Western (Catholic/Protestant) Slavs, the latter are doing a lot better these days and are basically now the only Europeans left with any balls and a willingness to fight against the barbarian hordes. In contrast, modern-day Anglos and Nordics are cucked PC faggots of the highest order who are instrumental in their own demise seeing as they just can't seem to get enough of that wonderful multicultural diversity that is their strength. Ugh.

They're all potato and cabbage niggers to me.

The problem is that they have hijacked the democratic system to pull through with this population-replacement. Which was evident when both the right and the leftist parties decided to collaborate to block out the only anti-immigration party from getting any power whatsoever in Sweden in 2014.

Which also effectively ended the democratic system in Sweden but nobody really talks about it.

You type like you were kicked in the head by a horse.

i like the game western europe or north africa

we all now by now where Qumiyyah hails from


They really are just an ugly people. Even their women aren't all that good looking

Some Arab women are really hot. They have nice faces and the combination of dark skin and green eyes is beautiful.

Shut the fuck up. Kate Upton, nigga.

I like brown women.

Brown people love a good lunch mob

Mooslims!!! Run away!

Rest of the world blows. USA USA USA!

A bar of soap hasn’t been seen in years.

This is the aspect of the confederate flag debate that everyone gets wrong.

They should be executed for treason.

Ill kick out the stool.

No, the aspect of the Confederate flag debate they get wrong is that the US flag was the flag of a slave holding nation for about 80 years prior to the Civil War. The US flag was also flown by Federal troops attacking Native Americans during the Civil War and up to the beginning of the 20th Century. By contrast, the CSA and its rebel flag only flew for four years.

I don't care about any of that jive. If you fly a rebel flag, you're a terrorist, as far as I'm concerned.

As a flag, it only gained any real currency in the 1930's and up to the 60's when it was revived by the modern KKK and the segregationist. During the Civil War, the Stars and Bars was really just the battle flag of the Army of Northern Virginia and the Confederate Navy. There was a Congederate Flag that was in use prior to that but most modern dummies wouldn't even recognize it so it wouldn't bother them.

Btw, how is the Union Jack no less the terror flag to many people around the globe? The British Empire didn't take all that land and resources just by being nice? Yet, the Union Jack is flying all over. Same goes with the US flag.

Lol what's your point. I've never heard of trailer trash yelling "Praise Jesus ya sumabich" before beheading someone or driving into them. I've never heard of trailer trash immigrating to different countries and raping its citizens

Dylan Roof?

Can't wait till this while alt-right shit blows over. You betas getting a bit too bold these days.

I'm not alt right.

Middle East

For real tho where was this taken

I have no idea.

That above photo is probably Shepherd's Bush near the site of the old A Cooke's traditional English pie and mash shop.

Good god. Imagine the stench wafting off of those animals

No cabs were driven that day.

True Englanders