Just watched The Devil's Advocate for the first time

19  2018-01-21 by FlashVirus

And it wasn't bad. My mind was full of references Anthony made to the film throughout the years mocking Pacino's acting but it was fitting for his role as a flamboyant devil dvv dvv.




and here's the guy who directed it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=37HjZE8hdaA

used to watch his movie blood in blood out all the time growing up. big al was my favorite.

vatos locos forever!

Aww no Anthony to talk about the Devil's Advocate and no Opie to say " Maaahhhn great movie I gotta fawkin watch that again "


When it was really clear that he never saw it in the first place.

One of my favorites from the ‘90s. So goddamn entertaining. Keanu’s southern accent is a little shaky, but he more than holds his own against an off-the-rails Pacino. Charlize Theron, who was still mostly known just for being a POA around this time, laid the groundwork here for the award-winning actor she would soon become. The pedophile on trial who bookends the story steals the movie; he may have gotten authenticity guidance from supporting cast member and eventual industry outcast Jeffrey Jones. Fun fact: the director of the film later went on to direct Jim Norton and that De Niro guy in the massive flop The Comedian.

She's actually more crazy now irl than she was portrayed in that movie. Dumb bitch

Wow how could a woman, the source of life, be crazy? Fucking misogynist pig. UGH

Yeah she comes across as a real bitch but I loved her with her shaved head in Mad Max.

Did you know that she's from Africa and her momma shot her dadda dead?

Shithole countries eh? He's not wrong lol.

She's also 6ft tall. A big ol bitch.

Ah yes, Jones. The Chris Langham of the USA.

He was great in Deadwood and that movie about how you get stronger by eating buttocks.

Ravenous stinks

Nah it's great if you don't take it too seriously.

Vanity - definitely my favorite sin.

By the way, this is yet another movie Ant watched where some little girl was molested/fucked by a man. I see a pattern here.


Thanks for the update.

I never thought Pachino's take on the devil was inappropriate. Most of the movie he's just a smug manipulative trickster, and then in the end when he's trying to convince Keanu to join him he gets really flamboyant. It made sense to me that Satan would put on a show, its not every day that he tells some one he's the devil. Overall the movie is really engaging, some of the best New York stuff since the 70's. A little too long, and the bullshit rewind they do in the last minute is dumb, pretty good other than that.


Scarlet is super hot in that.

vatos locos forever!

Nah it's great if you don't take it too seriously.