Tea is for Faggots

39  2018-01-21 by crookedmile



Men who have sex with men

Who are the Proud Boys? For 600.

You dont say the price after you answer in jep brotherman

The guy that came 😘 over Friday left his tea here

Exactly. Brits want an everyday beverage that matches the temperature of cum

Wait.. are you boiling your cum in a kettle?

I'm going to start doing this.

Fun fact : to teabag is slang for placing ones testicles in another's mouth. Bet you guys on here didn't know that.

Actually I was very well aware of that fact, as most of the posters here.

I thought it was to hit your balls on your partner's forehead.

I never understood how that was pleasurable for either party.

I wont judge another mans lifestyle choices, unless hes not forthcoming about it.

Only if you load it with sugar and drink it cold like some uneducated, backwoods hick.

I should've posted my comment to you directly, but my southern reading skills tired my eyes out before I got here.

Man leave me alone, I'm just trying to enjoy my southern iced sweet tea. I defy you to hate on it if you've ever had it.

Interestingly fags are cigarettes in Britain...not interesting. Fag!

Tea has interesting properties though.

Especially British women can attest to the virtually instant cooling effect of the body when they are sweating under their hijabs. Soft drinks can't do that at all.

I'm drinking a lovely cuppa tea right this very moment.


Wait.. are you boiling your cum in a kettle?

I wont judge another mans lifestyle choices, unless hes not forthcoming about it.