
0  2018-01-21 by liquidfootball_


you think homicide is the only reason to have a gun? at least you made the violent americans black thats the only accurate thing

posting 4chan memes is how you know this mug is really butt-hurt over the mild thrashing England hs gotten today.

It's like black Adventure Time

Adventure Crime

America has far worse Islamist terrorist attacks than any European country.

9/11 happened in America.

America considers Arabs white.

Americans shoot each other all the time.

American police officers can film themselves murdering you and getting away with it.

Americans are fatter versions of Mexicans.

To your first point, besides 9/11, not really at all.

And isn’t is sort of a badge of honor that Al Qaeda chose NYC and Washington for that attack? They wanted to start a global war and knew that pussy Euro capital cities would just take it on the nose and apologize for colonialism.

Fort Hood, Chattanooga, Boston, San Bernardino, New York truck attack.

And that's just the Muslim ones - mass shootings happen literally every day in America haha

I was just responding to the Islamic terrorism point, and fair enough, there have been some bad ones, but given the size of the country and the body counts of those incidents you mentioned (besides 9/11), it’s at most on par with Europe, not in excess.

As far as mass shootings happening every day? I guess that depends on how you define a mass shooting. I didn’t hear about any today, yesterday or the day before, but maybe I’m just not reading the police blotters from the ghettos.

The US homicide rate is on par with third world countries.

Statistically the average American is obese and called Jorge Gonzalez.

That’s true, and I’m not a fan of our homicide rate by any means. That said, in day to day life it’s not about averages, and if you have half a brain and a few nickels to rub together you won’t end up living in one of the murder zones.

Personally, I’ve been the victim of major crimes twice in my life, both times I was robbed at knifepoint in London, by teenagers. In “nice” neighborhoods. In 10+ years of living in NYC I’ve never seen a gun pulled and have never been victimized.

most of the killings in america is from 3rd world immigrant or black neighborhoods just look it up. if we policed like we should and stopped the war on drugs our homicide rate would drop over night

I mostly agree (more about blacks than immigrants, at least on the east coast...) and was pointing out in my previous comment that the violent crime is at least somewhat predictable and localized here.

I have English and Irish cousins who’ve been stabbed multiple times, randomly, but still think I live in the Wild West and walk around strapped, when as I’ve said, I’ve literally never seen a gun in New York City.

some of those boarder towns in the southwest are mexican hell holes ran by the cartels. we dont owe them shit as opposed to blacks (despite my racist psychopathic rantings) we owe them more than we've giving them in terms of treating them like children

It’s such a big country that we all have different experiences. I’ve been to San Diego, Tucson and Bisbee and lived in LA for a few years, but I guess I’ve never been in “those” places you describe. Even in LA, I lived on the West Side. Not a lot of overt cartel or gang activity in Westwood or the Palisades...

My experience with immigrants in NYC (Queens) and New England has been net positive, and growing up around there meant going to school with a lot of children of immigrants, who are now fully American, productive members of society for the most part.

Most of the murders occur in areas that have third world country demographics.

this is where i go off into conspiracy world by they i hope you mean globalist (short answer) that have bought and paid for (at the time of 9/11) al-qaeda and osama....

By they I meant AQ, but I’m picking up what you’re putting down...At the very least there was a willful allowing of the whole thing to go down. Thermite paint, controlled demolitions etc is where you’ll lose me, but the non-action on the August 6th presidential daily briefing, Ashcroft and other cabinet level staff flying privately after that, etc. adds up to something of a smoking gun for the neocons/globalists.

i would never argue loose change type nonsense in terms with thermite and missiles too but it concerns me how quickly we have been manipulated into wars ever since we kicked the shit out of these red coated pansies. just saying without going into to too much detail best case sernario its opportunism, worse case there is an elite puppet masters calling the shots

Word up.


Fuck off inbred Island monkey, I'm West European, anti-immigration and pro-gun. Spew all they nonsense you want, but don't speak for the rest of us.