Oh, I'm shaking in my boots Canada.

18  2018-01-21 by A_Friendly_Creeper


Fuck Canada. They only good thing to come crime that country is all dressed chips.

what's that?


I just googled that. What is the flavor on those chips? Is it like ketchup?

It's fucking amazing. Buy them faggot.

haha ok

Its like vinegar and sex

That sounds awful miss

its spelled vaginer

She can say viNIGAR because her people have taken back that hateful word.

It’s BBQ, Salt and Vinegar, Ketchup, and Sour Cream and Onion. Don’t get the Ruffles ones though. Humpty Dumpty is available in Northern New England or you can find them online. Easily the best chip (yeah yeah yeah) I’ve ever had. Life changing really.

All dress is where it's at.

Omg those are so good they dont have them at my 7- 11 right now because i bought all of them

I thought you were dying of cancer, what’s the hold up

Proper chips mate!

He has a gun they are step up from those faggots in Britain carrying a whistle

And a Bobbie sticks

Tsss ya sticks peckahs in his mouth and shiznit.

They are very sorry though they cannot shoot anyone

I could probably jack that nigga for his horse. Canadian "men" are laughable

Only thing you’d be jacking is the horses cock.

I would gladly prep the horse with both hands if it meant you taking it in the rump and passing away like that gentleman on the viral clip. sniff

Least we don't have a buncha coons cucking us at our most popular sport.

Here in the land of the free, we run our blacks into the ground with promises of fame and fortune. The second they peak, we deliberately end their careers. We have our browns on a leash, meanwhile your browns are cucking you figuratively and literally.

Every fat white Panthers fan is essentially a modern day slave owner, cracking the whip and doing the daily maintenance report lording over their e-points based on the mindless drone work of a few coloredz.

We have our browns on a leash

Right, like that one cucked team owner who was getting all emo because his paid for girlfriend kept bringing darks around.

meanwhile your browns are cucking you figuratively and literally.

Your women voted a negro into office for eight years. Nice "leash" there, bud.

"Duh, that one thing, that one time, years ago"

I know buddy, I know. Through your tears.

They just voted in our Golden White. At least Obama was half white. Who's your leader again? Shadik Kahn Muhammod?

Moose nigger

In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.

That pic looks pretty fucking dope, what's wrong with you people

Fun fact about Canada - did you know that Canada is the most educated country on earth, with more than half the population holding at least a college degree? This is very important to Canadians when they are confronted with the impossibly complicated philosophical question of "why the fuck am I still living in Canada?"

Sorry he's not wearing white gloves and flipping around an unloaded rifle like a retarded robot.

Just a little joshing around. All in good fun sir.

The faggot brigade is coming