Odell Beckham (had to google his name cuz I couldn't remember) cried like a baby when he twisted his ankle... tell us again how soccer is for faggots

0  2018-01-20 by [deleted]



If you wanna see the video I'm sure you can find it on twitter https://twitter.com/btsportscore/status/954751143619411968

No one cares, bro.

soccer is for faggots.

The crazy sunuva bitch did it!

soccer isn't really for faggots, it's for women too.

yes it is.

We have a 9 year old girls playing in a competitive league where I live. Your sport is fucking queer if 9 year old girls can play it competitively.

And children under 12.

He didn't twist it, he fractured it. He only fractured it because of this hit weeks earlier. He kept playing and ended up fracturing it.

He was also crying because he knew he was out for the season. Not necessarily pain.

Fuckin faggot.... soccer players don't cry when they get career ending injuries....Gascoigne crying in the 1990 world cup semi final cuz he got booked and would miss the final(the biggest sporting event on the planet) is still infamous and still he gets shit for it.... but keep defending your cry baby, ungrateful, country hating ex slaves...

Their boyfriends would slap them if they got caught crying.

Good one 😳

There have been career ending injuries this season and the guys didn't cry...you're comparing one small example to another and not making a point at all, we make fun of Odell for crying here but that's where the discussion ends, no one cares or tries to make points about it

we make fun of Odell for crying here Do you? Cuz your faggot countryman are falling over each other to defend this cry baby faggot

Well he is a well known diva/attention guy and everything he does gets ridicule, if there's anything to defend it's just a high adrenaline, emotion -filled moment and it's frustrating not being able to do anything about it. Isn't representative of the sport and doesn't matter that some guy from Beirut twisted his ankle too and remained stone faced.doesnt really prove anything anyway

Well you see. Faggots like soccer, and soccer is made exclusively for faggots.

At least it was a real injury, unlike this.

My favourite is Rivaldo at the World Cup .. Brazilians are the worst offenders after the Italians

Odell is pretty much widely considered the biggest faggot in the NFL and coincidentally the one that does the most publicity in London. Not a good argument.

So one of your highest earners. ie. the best at your sport, is a faggot? Well you heard it here first folks ... u/sanfrancisodicksucker just laid it in stone... American footballers are cry baby faggots 🤣🤣🤣

He's good at it he's just emotional and he gets a lot of shit for it. Yeah it's a dumb argument because it's pretty much a product of your environment, I like football a lot and hate soccer, both sides are always going to argue to infinite and sometimes I participate, no hard feelings, I think a lot of British things are gay but a lot of American things too, I can't tell how real the whole beer is right now lol

Other defensive backs know that he is gay and call him faggot, that's why he is always trying to fight them. He is also one of the few NFL players who is a soccer fan. Odell is a bad choice to say that the soccer players aren't gay, he is one.

You know your sport is shit when people agree that the womens variant is better because male soccer players pretend to get hurt every game like little faggots

You’ll ever see this in football


Soccer is the Opie of all major sports.

Where's soccer's equivalent to Ronnie Lott? And would they even let him play after he made a player on the opposing team get a boo-boo?

Soccer is for a bunch of bloody faggots!
