45 of Anthony's last 50 tweets are about politics

145  2018-01-20 by SHITLORD_CUNTDICK

"I'm still hilarious!"


His life is empty

Probably Platoon references or something equally shitty

His anus is full.

lyrics to a new pendulum song in the making

Transwoman will swing at the center of attention

Just another day another gay love session

Fuck you, suck you

Gonna Lock you down.

Transwoman will shift with a little bit of pressure

Move too slow and the tranny cock will get you.

Fuck you, suck you, gonna ride you around.

"Tree fort Richard turned him gay now the pendulum swinging back the other way"


He got lost

Not as empty as the guy who keeps stats on Anthony’s tweets

lol owned

“lol owned” was actually the worst part of your comment. Hope someone finds you at the end of a rope.

“lol owned” was actually the worst part of your comment. Hope someone finds you at the end of a rope.

Your life is dedicated to Anthony Cumia.

“lol owned” was actually the worst part of your comment. Hope someone finds you at the end of a rope.

“lol owned” was actually the worst part of your comment. Hope someone finds you at the end of a rope.

Ya zinged me. Here I was thinking my life was full and meaningful.


What are the other 5

Probably references to dated movies/TV shows or something equally shitty

True. He still makes Columbo references.

He's become Dennis Miller.

But without the rapid-fire jokes and humour.

If I remember right, two were about poker, one was a show related promo, and two were about some video on youtube.

He got lost again.

But if he was standing outside in the rain, what would you do?

Tell him to go get his fucking shine box or sumthin tss

He don't do shines no more. Maybe you didn't hear, you haven't been on Twitter for a while.

Whoa, he was just breaking balls a little bit and right away you're getting fucking fresh.

Get us some drinks

don't get nervous

He is a shine though

I love how many down low Compound subscribers scamper on this board.

All paying their fees, all insulting their paymaster.

The one time I paid for TACS I continued getting it for another year until they updated their app. Many such cases.

It's Pine Box retard! Why would he shine his shoes?

Sad thing is that he thinks people are flocking to him for his opinion and that he's a bastion of wisdom.
All he is is confirmation for people who already held his beliefs. "Hey, this guy who has a podcast for at least 50 customers hates niggers too, there's no way I can be wrong."

thats all political talk tbh

tin knocking nigger gets a few bucks and thinks he's William F. Buckley and shiznit



all tweeted in the spin of 10 min

Ant: We're not an alt-right show, I've been shying away from the far right stuff for awhile now.

Ant a week later: Welcome Gavin McInnes and Milo Yianopolous to the show.

b-b-but gavin's wife is an injun

"And Milo sucks black dick!" I hate how they held that faggot up as their token nigger-loving gay.

he treats his comments to Ron with the same gravitas and sincerity that he did to his domestic abuse and alcohol recovery teachers

Because they're not alt-right.

0 out of 50 werw insightful, educated or funny.

His tweets should just be the FOX news ticker.

He hasn't stopped either. It's been pretty much non-stop since the AM. I guess Joe, Big-A, and Fred from Brooklyn must be busy this Saturday Night

Hearing him of all people rant about "cultural values" was absolute cringe.

I wonder if he’s drunk and pissed off at the McMansion because he wasn’t asked to be a part of that Night of Freedom thing tonight?

Do you think hes pandering to his tiny base, or that hes actually trying to be funny?

Cuz I dont know anymore. As shitty, racist and awful, all you guys are here.. you still make me laugh sometimes. That dude.. yeesh. I think its the hardest fall cuz he was the funniest. Greggopsterio was always annoying, so it makes sense he is still so delusional. And well.. Jimmy is just good-naturedly trying to clean up his act so he can make movie star friends. And its a tremendous bore. He tries to be serious and take the reins but his just too out of touch and uneducated to make real points.

But Ant looks like Im watching a man morph into a raving crypt-keeper.

Neither, truly just became a hateful person.

The fact of the matter ith that theeth people who dithagree are pedophileth

why haven't we gotten him banned?

don't you just have to have like 10 people report something at once for it to work?

He should probably be banned just for evading his last ban and creating a new account

He does a political show now. He said he would do a political show if he ever left Opie.

This should not be a surprise.

He didn't leave Opie. He was fired for being a scourge at Sirius-XM.

That's still leaving.

The high school drop out always had brilliant political opinions. Much in the way that my 12 year old nephew does. Except the 12 year old is more educated than Anthony.

Screaming “Toss out illegally born babies!” is not politics. It’s just rantings and ravings of an old delusional tunisian.

I can't tolerate it. I unfollowed.