There was some funny shit in those Anti-Brit/American posts and now they're all gone. When is this shit gonna end.

21  2018-01-20 by NortheastPhilly



Death, taxes, the mods being faggots.

Mods are worse than holocaust lies.

Eh, why what's happened?

The mods should be fucked and burned.

They don't deserve my dick

mods are like Hitler without the good intentions

Toolman is still removing whatever the hell he feels like, huh? What a sensitive little faggot.


No there wasn't. Go shitpost elsewhere faggot.

Ugh. Management is treating us like CHILDREN right now to be completely honest with ya... CHILDREN. How can you RUIN the easiest subreddit in the world? Come October and let's just saaaaay... We might be changin' things up a bit............ snff....... We might beeee changin' things up a lil bit...

chair squeaks

Cause I've fuhckin HAD IT.

I'm done. Period.

(silence) Yeah, yeah they're really idiots upstairs. They always ruin the fun!

- guy who plays along with a sidetracking rant to kill the silence because, even thought he pretends to be a gun-toting badass, in reality he's even too much of a pussy to confront his own co-host to his face when he's sitting right next to you.

It's a very multifaceted character, I'm still working on it.

Censorship, maaaaaaaaaaahn.

mods are niggers

British police are gonna get this sub raided lol

bin that comment son

Enough is enough, and it's time for a change.

Make me a Mod, I'll toss all these bums to the curb! Keister first!

Sorry for the salty language.

Make r/opieandanthony Great Again!

Tough crowd..

In all seriousness; I like the English/Aussie users. Only because I like knowing that Opie is hated WORLDWIDE.

Shocker, the faggot removed this thread, too.