The United Kingdom is FUCKING GAY.

14  2018-01-20 by Every1ShouldBKilled



Its weird how people are taking a thread I started as a joke, and driving it into the ground in an unfunny and autistic way. Also, the number of authentically offended limeys is funny.

Queue the Bobby Kelly posts

That may take awhile. Pakistanis are about 3% of the population, and due to their continued first cousin fucking they’re cranking out a lot of dud children who’ll be lucky to ever live functional lives, let alone take anything over.

The whole point is too steam the clams of the limeys. I don’t give a fook about Little Baghdad one way or the other. Just don’t make people explain jokes and motives, fag.

Both America and the U.K are full of faggots.

Finally a sentiment we can all unite around.



The whole point is too steam the clams of the limeys. I don’t give a ruck about Little Baghdad one way or the other. Just don’t make people explain jokes and motives, fag.